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Matsuyo stands next to a woman who gave birth on the same day like she did. Both (now) mothers having a really good talk with each other, while both fathers getting along pretty good as well. Just the older daughter from the other family wants to see her little sibling.

"Ah! Okaa-san! Okaa-san! Look!" The older daughter said excited. Both mothers looking now to the direction the girl is pointing to. "Oh, my sons ... laying really close ..." "... to my daughter." Matsuyo and the woman looking at each other surprised, before laughing softly.

~5 years later~
The Matsuno brothers following their childhood friend and neighbor, you. They wanted to met up with Totoko, but when you suddenly crawled under their fence over to them, they changed their minds. You walk in front of them with a stick in your hand, while the sextuplets following you.

"Y/n-chan? Where are we going?" Choromatsu ask a bit worried. You seven just left the house without telling a single adult. "We go to the playground and there! I'll show you a big secret, okay?" You grin happy, causing the six to blush slightly.

When you seven made it to the nearest playground, you go with them around a few bushes. The six letting out a sound in amaze when they see a big cat and six small kitties. "Isn't that cool?! This mommy cat has six baby cats! Just like you they are a family!" You beam with sparkling eyes excited. The brothers blushing again, but looking now back to the kitties. They walked over to you and mewling happily when you pet them gently.

"What's their name?" You laugh flustered and say: "Oso, Kara, Choro, Ichi, Jyushi and Todo~." "You named them like us?" Osomatsu ask surprised. "Hmh!" Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu petting the big cat carefully, while Karamatsu and Choromatsu playing with the small kitties. "Do you like us that much y/n-chan~?" Todomatsu ask with a smirk, evilly chuckling.

"Huh? Of course I like you really much, Todo-chan!" You beam happy smiling, causing the six to blush fifty shades of red.

~10 years later~
The Matsuno brothers and you are going in a few months to the same high school. After it looked like all of you wouldn't make it to the same school, but you helped the brothers and you guys were able to get to the Akatsuka high school. Even if you wanted at first to go to another school, you changed your mind and wanted to be with the sextuplets.

Now, you seven standing on the rooftop from the middle school. "So? What is it?" You ask with a smile. The brothers blushing and gulping before yelling: "We love you! Please be our girlfriend!" They all bow down with their upper body while holding a hand out to you. Your eyes widen, you open your mouth slightly and- "Huh? ... But isn't it weird to be together with six boys at the same time?"

The brothers flinching and sweat starts to drip down their faces. "A-Ah ... y-you can choose just one! I-If you want." Osomatsu says nervous, but isn't looking up to you. Just like the others. You hum, cross your arms over your small chest and close your eyes. "Hmmm ... I'll think about it, okay?" The boys looking now with widen eyes up to you, before beaming with a nervous smile: "O-Okay!" You laugh softly what isn't helping their blushing faces.

Time flew by and two weeks later, the six still don't have an answer. You even ignored them in school and at home. Making excuses who doesn't really make sense, so the six thinking you hate them now.

Today is the day you graduate from school. The brothers looking down on their second button on their school uniform sadly. To be honest, they wanted to give you the button to tell you how much you mean to them. In Japan it's a tradition that the boy who loves a girl really much gives her as the sign of his love his second button from his school uniform, because it sits near the heart.

"Heyooo~!" "?!" The sextuplets flinching and looking behind them. You smile at them like nothing happens, before waving your hand to tell them they should follow you. Even if your parents are already sitting in the aula and you have to go inside in ten minutes.

You stop behind the school building where no on is right now. The sextuplets staring at you and wait for you to speak up. "Ehem!" You clear your throat before turning around. "I would love to be your girlfriend." You say with a blush on your cheeks and a smile resting on your lips. The eyes from the six widen and they exchange a glance. "A-And ... who do you mean?" Ichimatsu ask unsure. You giggle and say: "Of course I mean all of you, silly."

"Eh? ... Eh?! Really?!" A nervous and excited smile makes their way up the lips from the brothers. They want to make sure they heard you right. You hum and nod your head with a smile. "I thought about it the whole two weeks which of you I like more. In the end I didn't came to an answer and realized, after not being so often around you, how much I miss you six. And I think I love you guys too, but it doesn't hurt to see where it leads us too, right? I'm sure my feelings for you will never change anyways."

"YAHOOOOO!!!" The brothers jumping really high up in the air and cheering, while tears running down their faces. All the time of waiting was worth it. "Oh my..." You smile softly and laugh slightly. "Y/n-chaaan~! Give me-"

"Matsuno!! L/n!! What are you seven doing here?!"

You seven flinch and lose the color from your face when you see your homeroom teacher walking pissed off over to you.

I love you since the day we got born (Matsuno brothers x Reader) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now