Three and Two

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Bars. Bars everywhere. Everywhere around him. Everywhere around him except for the naked concrete wall behind. He was sitting there for the second day now. There. Behind the bars. People passed by with a depressed look on their faces as usual. Not many people though, they don't like being here. Not even the humans. And he didn't want to be here either. He wanted out. Out. Outside the bars, outside the overwhelming concrete block. 

Someone stopped at the other side of the bars in front of him. He raised his head and looked in that pitying human face. He barked. Yes, he barked because he was dog. A street dog to be more precisely. Two days ago he was captured. He. The streetdog. Captured. He was famous among the street, famous among the other dogs, famous among the others. Making fun of the dogs who were dumb enough to let themselves getting captured. Oh how he had laughed at them. How he had looked down at them. How he had despised them for not being able to defend themselves. And now? Now he was the one who was dumb enough to let himself getting captured. He despised himself. He didn't dare to look up. To look into the other dogs faces. He knew them. Knew them from the streets. Some were members of his pack. He had noticed them looking at him. Heard them talking about him. Heard them making fun of him. He did not stood up for himself. He deserved it. He despised himself. 

Other dogs were strangers. But most of the rest belonged to pack of the other one. The other one. What will he do? Does he know that he got captured? He shivered at that thought. Thought. It was no thought. It was knowledge. It was the second day now. He knew exactly what the other one would do. What the other one probably had done already. 

He had to get out. Out. Back to his pack, back to his family. His pack and his family which were probably not his pack or his family anymore. Because he got captured. And because of the other one. He had threatened him. Threatened him about what he would do to his loved ones and those who were loyal to him if he ever was absent. If he ever went missing. If ever something bad happened to him.... He threatened him three days ago. He got captured two days ago. Three. Two. Three and two. He hesitated. He got threatened. He got captured. Threatened because his pack had grown stronger. The other one feared strength. 

He got captured because of her. Because he saved her. Her. She. She was in trouble. She had always been in trouble. Always, since she joined his pack a few months ago. Trouble. This time she had been in serious trouble. About to got captured by the dog capturers. Because she was near the beach. There were always dog capturers near the beach. He always told her there were dog capturers near the beach. But she was there. And he was there. Because she asked him to. And he helped her because she asked him to. And he distracted the dog capturers because she asked him to. And he got captured because she asked him to. Because she asked  him to? No, because he was dumb enough to let himself get captured. But he did it for her. He did anything for her. Anything she asked him to. And now he got captured. Because he helped her. Because she asked him to. But it was worth it. Was it worth it? Three and two. 

She was near the beach. And the dog capturers were near the beach. Usually the other one is near the beach. The other one? The other one! The other one and his pack. His pack of maggot eaters! But she was there. Near the beach. The other one was there. Near the beach. He had smelled his scent. He had smelled him. Smelled him in the air. Smelled him on her fur. On her fur? No! On her fur. On her fur. His scent on her fur. No! On her fur. On her fur. On her soft sweet fur. Her. She. 

She joined his pack not long ago. Maybe four to five months. Four to five. Three and two. She said she flew from the other ones. She said she needed shelter. She said she was injured. Injured. Was she injured? Injured. Injured inside her mind by the other ones. By the maggot eaters. Still a member of them? Still a member of the other ones? Still a maggot eater? A spy? She? She. Maggot eater. She. She ensnared him. She made him defenseless. She said she loved him. She said she'd lead his pack with him. She lured him. Lured him near the beach. To her. To the other one. To the dog capturers. Traitor! Traitor? Traitor! 

He howled. He howled and howled. Loudly and full of pain. He howled. He howled and howled. A human hammered against the bars with his fist to shut him down. But he howled. He howled an howled. Howled the betrayal into the world, into the shelter. Shelter. Shelter. The humans call it shelter. A shelter. But it's not. Not a shelter. It's almost certain death. Death. The only way out is through adoption. Adoption by humans. To become a house dog. Oh he was disgusted by house dogs. How they worship the humans as some kind of godess. How they were drooling after them. He despised them. Despised the dogs who got captured. Despised himself. Despised the dogs who got adopted. Adopted within the seven days. The magic seven days. The bittersweet seven days. The hopefull yet so deadly seven days. Day eight means death. Certain death. Without exceptions. He knew. He knew from a few dogs of his pack. A few dogs who were adopted and flew. Flew back to his pack. His pack. She. The other one. The maggot eaters

He needed to get out. He had to get out. Out. Out. Out. He barked. Because he was a dog. People stopped at his cage. Three. Three and two. Adoption?

Three and two.

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