Cross my Heart and Hope to Live

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Darkness surrounds me. It follows me. It's in me. It is me. I kill with cold heat. With no guilt, no regrets. I am what terrifies people at night. I am what drinks sacared scarlett blood.

I am a vampire.

A killer. Incapable of love.  Part of the damned. Souless. Heartless.                                    


It was a full moon. So pretty. I looked down at them. Those stupid humans. They don't know how we hide. How we kill them. Amazing how navie they can be. Especaly the teenagers. So stupid, having children, drinking, smoking.... Then they have that thing called love. It makes me sick. To top it all off, it's Hollween. People with 'I love Vampires' , 'I love fangs' , and 'Team Edward' t-shirts. Pretending to be us. If they only knew.

It's been a days since I had a good drink. I needed blood. Standing up from my usual sitting post, a top corner of a 20-story building. I leaped off. Wind caught me and strated to 'fly', as the humans called it. I floated around until I found a blonde girl walking into a alley way.


I landed behind her. She stopped in tracks. Paralyzed in fear. I covered her mouth with one hand and extended my claws to go into her stomach. I sunk my fangs in her neck. She scearmed and scearmed. But, no one will hear her. Oh, well. Her blood was delicious. Sweet virgin blood. One of the purest there is. She fell limp within like, two minutes, and I let her go. I turned and saw her shirt.

'I'm in love with a vampire'

Not now.

I walked away from her. I floated up and up and up. Flying level was about 170ft off the ground. Looking around there was curtains from apartments and office. But one was open. Wierd. I mean, it's 2:30 in the morning. The kid should be asleep. But he was looking right me. Like, right at me.

Damn. That was stupid.

He didn't look surpized. He looked...... like he was looking at his own kind.

Could he be one? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2011 ⏰

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