Hi I'm Jasmine but everybody calls me jaz. I'm 14 and I live in mobile alabama bailey McConnell is my 'boyfriend' so he says well I don't really care he's sexy and he's sweet.He has stalked me since I was in the 6th grade; he would follow me home every day after school. I moved to Alabama when I was in the 3rd grade.I have been in 5 different schools since 2 grade. I am like in love with 1D and 5SOS so now here it goes
Bailey's pov
"jaz come her now" Bailey said in a angry voice
"ughhh what do u want Bailey?" I said in a bitchy attitude
"I want u jaz come with me!!" he said in a sexy yet Nasty voice
"NO" I yelled
"Don't say no to me" he demanded
"Ahhhhh help!!!" I screamed
"jaz stop playing around your comming with me!"
I put jaz on my shoulder because she wouldn't listen to me and then all of a sudden everything went black
jaz pov
"Omg Jack where did you come from?"I asked
"I heard screaming and it sounded like yours so I ran as fast as I could!"he said trying to catch his breath
"Thank you so much Jack you partially saved my life how could I ever repay you?"I asked
"Jaz your my best friend I would do anything for you!!"
I didn't even think about it I just went up and huged him I wouldn't of cared who it was I'm just so glad someone saved me