The Game

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"Oi, you three."
The Golden trio looked round to see Pansy, Draco and Blaise. "What do you want Parkinson?" Hermione asked, curtly.
"No need for that tone, Granger. All we wanted was to make a truce."
"A truce?" Hermione asked suspiciously.
"Yes, after the war, we decided that we were tired of fighting with you."
"OK then, we'll accept your truce."
"Now, meet us at 7 for at the RoR for a game of truth or dare."
"See you then"

7pm- outside Room of Requirement
Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Ron, Hermione and Harry are all outside. Pansy walks in circles and thinks "I need a room to play a game"
. The door reveals itself and they all go in. The room has a floor covered in sgreen and silver bean bags and gold and red cushion. The six arange them selves in a circle. "just remember, for truth, we're using veritaserum, if you fail to do a dare you'll feel minor pain. " Pansy said. "I'll go first, Hermione, truth or dare?"
"Truth." She drinks some veritaserum.
"What is your favourite book?" Pansy asked after the potion had taken full effect.
"Urrrr, Twilight, Duh"
"Same" The girls high five while the boys look on, disappointed in their friends.
"Alright, my go. Malfoy, Truth or dare, ?" Hermione asked.
"I dare you to hug Harry for the rest of the game." Hermione dared, knowing that Harry had a crush on Draco. Rolling his eyes, Draco went and sat between Harry and Hermione, then rapped his arms round Harry's shoulders. Though neither boy would ever admit to it, they both enjoyed this alot." OK Weasley, truth or dare?" asked Draco.
"Truth." Ron drinks the veritaserum.
"Who is your crush?"
"I don't have one. My old crush is now my girlfriend. Her name is Hermione Jean Granger. Anyway my go, Blaise, t or d?"
"I dare you to draw a self portrait."
"Aww man, I'm terrible at art." A pen and some paper apear next to Blaise. He draws a smiley face. Then puts very short hair on it.
"Done, Potter, T or D?'
" Truth. " He drinks veritaserum.
" Is your crush in this room? "
" Yes. " Harry covers his mouth with his hand."Okay, Malfoy, t or d?"
"truth." Draco drinks the veritaserum.
"who is your crush?"
"You." Draco covers his hand over is mouth.
"Parkinsin, is this brewed properly?" Harry asked.
"Yeah," Pansy answered.
"In that case..." Harry leans over and kisses Draco. Draco kisses back.
"You, you actually like me back?" Draco breathed.
"Oookay. If that is the case then... Harry James Potter, will you be my boyfriend."
"YEEEEES" The two boys kiss again.
The end
Shout out to Drizzie Unique Fanfictioner, who is a YouTuber. I watched their Truth or Dare, Kiss Or Swear video and that inspired me to do this.
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