1||New Master

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It was a rainy day, and a light fog was starting to cover the forests and open fields. Hana was stationed in a tree in her brothers yard. She always sits there when he isn't.... 'in need' of her. Looking out onto the streets of the town there were families everywhere rushing to get home before the storm, she was awaiting her brothers return from Samurai training. There were no ninja in the land of Iron despite having a strong military. Yawning she climbed down knowing he'd be home and if she didn't have dinner ready he'd beat her or worse, rape her for a second time. She gave one last look towards the slowly emptying streets before disappearing inside the small one story house, her facial expression was always one of slight sadness and loneliness, eyes that held fear of everything and everyone. Getting out the necessary utensils and objects to prepare her brothers meal she found assistance in an old cookbook her mother had always used, what... what should I make though? Hana thought as anxiety kicked in, lately when she'd make a meal her brother would blow up shouting at her saying that that wasn't what he wanted to eat and her trying to tell him she didn't and couldn't have known but it always resulted in her on the floor crying and shaking wishing to be dead. She browsed the old somewhat tattered book until she came across a recipe that made her recall a certain moment in her life, it was one that her brother would always  want when their father would bring him home from the academy. Hana's heart sank in fear but she proceeded in making it anyway hoping that tonight he wouldn't be angry with her.

"I'm home," came her brother's voice as she set his food on the table, she went to greet him and faked the same smile she always did, "welcome home, your dinner is one the table." He grunted and went to the kitchen as Hana stood there holding her breath expecting to be suddenly shoved to the ground, a few minutes (or what seemed like it to Hana) went by and she slowly approached the kitchen, her brother was slowly picking at his plate looking as though he was lost in deep thought. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing but a small terrified whimper slipped out causing him to look at her, "you may go to your room for the rest of the evening," he said returning to his food. Hana went to her room and sat in the middle of her bed in the dark, why was his expression so... distant? She furrowed her brow but soon pushed the thought aside then proceeded to get changed for sleep. Once in bed she curled up under the blanket and began to cry, the same routine she had grown accustom to, until she fell asleep. Her dreams were dark in the few hours of sleep she got. Images of her parents corpses strewn about the living room, her standing there as a ten year old and having watched the previous events that led to it, and her brother coming home and immediately blaming her. 

She was awoke by screaming from outside, pure animalistic primal terror rocketed through her head as she jumped out of bed and ran down stairs, sudden feelings of worry for her brother engulfing her. When she stepped outside nearly slamming into her neighbor she looked around seeing her brother out in the street with the rest of the Samurai and two opposing ninja, she looked at her neighbor (who had gone to make sure she was safe) who gave her the same bewildered look. She noticed slashes on their headbands signifying they were rogue but the cloaks were odd, black with red clouds, she knew her brother might know but being from a village with little to no connection to surrounding land she wouldn't know who they were or what they were from. One ninja had silver hair that was slicked back and also was wielding a three bladed scythe, his... companion, was a little taller and had a mask that covered his entire head leaving only his eyes visible. Mangled corpses trailed behind them and Hana felt her gut flip, the silver haired man pointed his scythe at her brother, "are you the fucking leader of this pathetic village?" He spoke with malice and immediately started cackling at his own insult.

"I am. My name is Senshi, what is your business here." Senshi said his hand on the handle of his unsheathed sword, the silver haired man looked at my brother like he was a dimwitted creature then motioned to the bodies behind his partner and himself, "Are you THAT fucking stupid?"

"Enough Hidan," The taller masked man stepped forward glancing at Hidan, his partner. Hidan scowled and was about to say something in return when his comrade spoke again, "we were sent here by our boss for a mission, we are to retrieve a scroll from this village and we will not leave until we acquire it." Senshi scoffed and his grip on his sword tightened, "if it's the Tetsu to kōri no sukurōru (Scroll of Iron and Ice) then we're happy to say that a neighboring village has taken possession of it by their Kage." This mad the short man growled and groan furiously,  "Kakuzu, you mean we came all this damn way only to find out the damned scroll was given to some limp dicked Kage?!" Kakuzu didn't seemed phased but merely sighed in annoyance and slight disappointment.

"If we can't have the scroll we slaughter the villagers, unless you've got something of equal value for either one of us to personally acquire and enjoy." Kakuzu said in a monotonous cold voice. Hana whimpered softly fear overcoming her, please big brother make them go away. She thought looking at the men as Hidan caught her gaze and smirked then pointed his scythe at Hana, "what about the grungy bruised bitch over there?" Hana froze as Senshi looked at her and seemed to completely relax. Kakuzu also glanced her direction then back at her brother, Senshi nodded and motioned for Hana to go over and stand beside him. She reluctantly went over and gave her brother a look that said 'please - don't - do - this' as Kakuzu walked up to examine her. Hana trembled on spot as the tall man with green and red eyes grabbed her hair and forced her to look at him. She put on a cold front but inside she was petrified, please... just kill me, she thought making the best glare she could despite her shaky knees. After a few moments of silence her hair was released and Kakuzu nodded, "we'll take her, my partner will pay." Hidan growled, "hey, what the fuck do you mean I'LL pay!?" The scythe wielder shouted stepping forward. Senshi cleared his throat and waved his hands in front of his from side to side in a 'fighting - isn't - necessary' manor, "she's free, just take her." Hana felt her heart drop and tears built in her eyes but she lowered her head squeezing her eyes shut to prevent herself from crying. She looked up to see Hidan thrust his hand with scythe gripped into the air shouting a very triumphant "fuck yeah" then walk to Hana, "you're mine now bitch." Kakuzu turned to leave as the villagers relaxed and Hana swallowed the lump in her throat.

WHY? Why brother...? She thought as she unwillingly followed the man she now belonged to. She looked back at her brother one last night before she was roughly grabbed by her left arm and pulled along the path until the village vanished.

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