Twenty-Two: Relationship Woes and Ties

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Emma and I have been through a lot. Our fights, our ups-and-downs, bullies, school, college applications... You name it. We've been there. That's why I was (as Emma says) so good with Zach. This is why it's been so hard on me the past few days.

Emma and I were sitting on the couch after a long Saturday.

"Emma, I think we should..."

"Eric, I really want you back..."

I looked at her, surprised. She wanted me?!

I smiled and we hugged. We parted, and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Em? You ok? Are you su-"

She stopped me with a kiss.

"Emma! I'm so so so so sorry!"

"I know, I know. No. I'm sorry. Babe, I love you. You were in a hard time."

"I actually lied when I told you I kissed her..."

"Wait," she said, anger forming in her eyes, "SHE kissed YOU?!?!?"

"Em, don't be mad..."

"No! She knew I love you, and now, oh, now! She'll PAY!"

"Emma! You know Lila is just a player, and-"

"No!" She got up, but I tugged her down and lay on top of her.

"Now you can't leave. Ha!"

She smirked. "Ha ha... Now what'd I do?"

I kissed her and we made out until it was dark outside.

Emric is back, baby! Woo!

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