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Spoilers. Yeah I said it! Spoilers. I actually just confronted a spoiler today and yes, I was SO mad. Like why the hell would you spoil part of the book in the damn comment? Like who the hell does that?! Really, like are you serious bitch? BITCH, BITCH, BICTH! Are you comprehending what I'm saying? BITCH!


Have someone ever spoiled a got damn book you was reading? I'm sitting on my bed like, 'Bitch! You seriously just spoiled the WHOLE book!' Ugh like seriously? Why am I around all the spoilers anyways? Actually, why do I have such spoiler friends. Just today my friend was about to spoil something but I forgot what it was. All I know was that it wasn't a book but it was something I wanted to find out by myself. But right before she said it I said, 'SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! Don't talk anymore if it's on that topic. I don't want to hear it! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!' Can't blame me though... I saved her life.

I remember... I remember...

Ooh, I remember one day I was in a good part of a book and I'm sitting here on my comfy bed reading the comments on a certain part. Then all of a sudden I run into this comment where this girl spoils the WHOLE got damn book. Shit! I'm like NOOO... WHYY.....?!

Why would you want to finish the book that you already know what's going to happen? What's the whole point of reading it if I know what's going to happen? That sucks man.

This is for spoiling my book Emily: I remember when I was reading this book and my friend-which is the second owner of the account/book- spoils the damn book. Like damn, I know we're talking about it BUT you know I just started it... Okay, she didn't know but STILL. You spoiled a good part of the damn book Emily. A good part.

One day I'm going to be like this to a spoiler:

Spoiler - Me

Man, she's just going to die at the end of the book. Emma marries James and Sonya married Jay. Haha, it was such a good book.

WTF! Who does this? Let me answer that: A BITCH LIKE YOU!! Why would you spoil? Who in their right mind spoils in the comments? Where all the new readers could see!

You should have never read it!

OH? How was I supposed to know your comment was supposed to be a spoiler? Ugh. You want to spoil? You want to spoil? I'll spoil your got damn food and you'll be eating soap bars for dinner BITCH!!

-cries- you're so mean!

Yeah, and I wish you would report me!

Your wish is my command

Damn...damn. Fuck you!


I'm done talking to you fool!


-Pisses on head-



I'm thinking but then when I re-think about it... What about the people who don't spoil read my comment- a comment where I spoil the book. Eh. It's worth it.

WORTH IT FOR THE PEOPLE! -this message has been improved by me; THE ONE AND ONLY...


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