The eyes

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Standing at the rock there leader Autumnstar looked at him she had just finished saying the her words as Pandapaw said his " I do!" The cats around him looked around. "Then by the power of Starclan I give you your warrior name , from this day forward Pandapaw will be know as Pandastripe!" She finished. The cats around him yelled "PANDASTRIPE! PANDASTRIPE!" He looked around Cherryfeather had just became a warrior to before him.

Little time skip!

As Pandastripe walk toward the fresh kill pile he saw something Rabbitear , a elder was talking with Cherryfeather. Darktail and Pandastripe met eyes he was his father and Pandastripe thought he knew how he felt about Cherryfeather. Cherryfeather hade a pretty white coat and pinkish paws. The best coat in the whole clan. He picked up a vole realizing he was just standing there and walked over.

Before he said anything or even sat he thought of something he was kinda ashamed of he thought of how pretty Cherryfeather kits would be if he was her mate.
"Oh hey what's up Pandastripe?" Said Cherryfeather.
"Nothing you?" Said Pandastripe.
"Just making them retell me storys!" Said Cherryfeather.
Her beautiful green eyes staring into his was a odd nice feeling not in a weird way. "What is we have to do like wait outside until dawn or something and we can't talk?" Asked Cherryfeather.

"I don't remember!" Said Pandastripe.

Rabbitear looked over at her a smirked " Funny." She said.

Time skip the next day!

"First hunting patrol as warriors!" Said Cherryfeather. "Yeah!"Said Pandastripe.
Hazelsight heard them and looked at them.
"Why you guys so excited?" Said Hazelsight as pine ,trees , moss , mice ,and vole's scent entered Pandastripe's nose as they entered the forest.

" I don't know !" Said  her cheek fur turned red.
"Same !" Said Pandastripe.
Hazelsight spilt from the group as she saw a vole.

Tiny time skip.
The group was now all split up except Hazelsight , Pandastripe ,and Cherryfeather "So what did you catch?" Asked Cherryfeather. " Ten mice and a vole." Said Hazelsight. "Wow I got five mice!" Said Pandastripe. Not true but close he had only caught three. But that was only to impress Cherryfeather.
"Come let's head back!" Said Cherryfeather.

The gang gathered up the prey and were walking to the fresh kill pile when all of the sudden a badger came flying into the camp!
Liondusk and Acornpaw were on top of it already!
Running over barely anytime to think he Unsheathed his claws and ran at in making a long tear in its back he could see the blood already he knew that badgers didn't have medicine cats so this would get infected. Hazelsight dropped her prey and also was soon on the badger hissing as soon as her claw hit the badgers fur.

Cherryfeather soon after but before she got over the badger shook so hard it knocked off every cat except acornpaw. "Let go!" Yelled Liondusk.

Acornpaw did just as he was told and the badger ran off!
Luckily no one was hurt or harmed.
All Pandastripe could think of was the badgers silver eyes they haunted him.
As Pandastripe looked around thought about about those eyes and Pandastripe saw a blue bird fly by.
(End of part one!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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