Part 38.Avoiding you

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•1 week earlier•

"Why do I have to go to London?" Taehyung whined for the 100th time

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"Why do I have to go to London?" Taehyung whined for the 100th time.

"Because you have the face to impress the lady which we need because she has information about the blast at the mansion" Namjoon stated in a obvious tone as he looked at him.

"And she said that she was the chef there and she cooked beforehand and left early because she had to take care of her father who was ill and alone" Jimin added.

"Fine and who is coming with me?" He asked as he looked at us.

All of them sighed as they all started fighting because Jimin wanted to go shopping in London while Namjoon wanted to explore the art museums and for Yoongi he didn't care much and Jin just laughed at them.

"I will go and we would take Jimin with us" Hoseok said as he shut them all.

"Okay then you all leave for London tonight without wasting any time" I said as all of them nodded.

Later on we all sat down and had lunch as Jiwoo and Sumni also started to whine and said that how much they wanted to go to London and they wanted to meet y/n.

I rolled my eyes as I looked at them and said "Not this time maybe next time you can but they have to deal with some important business and I cannot let you two girls be alone because I don't trust you both" I said as all of the guys nodded.

"Whatever" Jiwoo said as she rolled her eyes.

Sumni just pouted as she smiled again and let it go because she knew it was best to not start the argument.

Sumni just pouted as she smiled again and let it go because she knew it was best to not start the argument

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I sat in my study room as I was working when I heard a knock as I said 'come in'.

"We are ready to leave" Jimin said as he poked his head out.

I nodded as I stood up and hugged him as I hugged Hoseok and Taehyung as well.

We said our goodbyes as they sat inside the car and I went back to my study room to continue working.

I had became addicted to it because when I broke up with y/n. She was the only thing in my mind and the only distraction was work and slowly I let myself get lost in it.

I barely laugh with all my heart. No matter how much I love the guys but we all are dead inside.

I know it. We all know it.

And what can you expect from the teenagers who were suppose to go to school and have fun and fall in trouble ended in the underworld to take their family's name forward and make our parents proud.

I sighed thinking about the old times which I barely gave a thought about.

Because whenever I tried to remember the good old times, the image of my parents in that all broken mansion which was unrecognisable kept coming back.

I kept having nightmares of where my parents would call out my name to help them but I fail to do so and I wake up with all sweat covering my face.

I talked to the doctor which was a family friend and he was also aware of our family business so opening up to him was not a problem.

I didn't tell the guys because they would worry and besides it's nothing because they have also went through it and I know how much we all are hurt and want revenge.

Because it's either kill or get killed in this world and I have learned that by now.

I have been so serious that I barely make any jokes and it's only because of Jin and Taehyung who keep their childish acts so we all can have a laugh.

But deep down they are the ones who are hurting a lot.

I can see it in all of their eyes even when we all laugh together, the emptiness is so obvious even though we all try to hide it as much as we can.

We know each other very well and we can tell just by looking at each other that what is the other person going through.

Why have we not thought of sitting together in a room and talk about it?

We all have lost our parents and talking like this would only make us cry and feel bad about what happened and that we weren't able to save them.

We could end up blaming ourselves again.

And Jiwoo and Sumni.They are the strongest of us all.

I have heard Jiwoo crying at nights when I was awake because I have some work to do.

I saw Sumni and how her natural and genuine smile was not so genuine anymore.

How broken we all were but we kept ourselves happy and kept hiding behind a mask that made us look like the happiest person in the world.

I hope that all of this ends as soon as possible and we are able to get justice for our parents so they can rest in peace.

I avoided going to London because of my stupid thoughts of getting bumped into y/n while walking or seeing her somewhere like it happens in movies.

Honestly I was not ready to face her because the day I gave her the promise ring,the day I told her I would be by your side my whole life....

Was the day I left her and I have been blaming myself for the past 7 years.

I left her when she needed me the most but what was I suppose to do?

The only thing in my mind was revenge and it still is and I don't know why I thought that seeing her again would make me go weak.

I was not good enough for her and she would be a weakness and she would be in danger if she gets involved with me now.

Because I am no longer the bad boy Jungkook but the son of the most feared man in the underworld.

I have to keep the title and make my father proud of it and I am not ashamed of what I do for living now.

I just want everything to go smoothly and this was what the future held for us.

I was going to be the next to rule his empire and I am now.

And I will make sure to grow it and make it even more powerful just like father wanted it to be.

And for that I cannot have any weakness which includes y/n.

It's better to stay away and watch her then to be with her or get killed or it ends up with her being killed.

And that's the last thing that I want.

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