The quirks of him and his class

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Haku's: destruction, he's able to touch something and destroy it or shoot out explosive waves that can deal damage on impact

Rentaro: shark, he looks like a shark and can swim really fast and has sharp teeth and is really strong

Yui: sword, can summon swords and can make them fly at his targets

Haruto: spell, can create spells the can do multiple types of things

Mei: ice creation, can create any object made out of ice

Miyuu: seduction , can make anyone fall in love with her for an hour and do her bidding

Tsuyoshi: superpower, all of his strength, speed, jump hight and stamina are made better

Yukio: godly presence, when he activated his quirk people see a bright light and can make them blind for 10 minutes

Akira: light, can make objects out of light or weapons also can use it to attack

Kira: dark, can use dark as a weapon or an object and can do attack

Rise: sand, can control sand but can't create it

Katsu: multiple, can make multiples of him

Karin: freak, can change her body size or what it's made of for 30 minutes

Izumi: obsidian, can make his body into obsidian but need to keep moving or it goes away

Kana: diseases, can take away diseases from anyone she touches

Sou: gift, can give someone anything he has on him at that time

Ryou: highlight, can highlight any object or person in a room and he can allow people to see it

Kaede: virus, can hack into any computer and shut it down or take information from it

Shun: vapour, can turn his body In to a liquid or a gas

Kaito: Guillotine
The user can cause any bodily damage to anyone who they have ingested the DNA of. The amount of damage varies depending on how long ago the quirk was used.
It takes 1 day to break someone's bone, and 1 month to completely kill someone.

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