Chapter 7

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Randy laid in the backseat with his head on Roberts lap. I can only hope he is ok.
As I drive I see something walk into the road. And instead of continuing on its way it stopped in the middle of the road. It was him and he was looking right at me again. I froze with fear.

I then realized I was going to hit him if I didn't to something and fast. I slammed on the breaks. He still didn't move. I was too scared to do anything.

"Why we stop?" Asks Robbys innocent voice in the back.

I couldn't reply.

"... W-what is t-that" he stutters

"I don't know pal" I reply

He stood in the middle of the road starring at us. Then he started to walk towards us.

I panicked and floored it. We sped past him and I think we hit his side or something.

All I can think about right now is how Robby actually saw him... Which means he's real...

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