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As my foot dipped into the pool on Sunday morning, I knew I was in trouble. A boy was already there. He had curly hair and a smirk had formed on his lips like he knew a secret that others didn't want to hear.

"Hurry up Elle!" my coach Taylor demanded. I jumped into the lane without another thought. The rest of the swim club members in the group Elite also jumped in one at a time.

Taylor gestured to the curly-haired boy, announcing quickly, "This is Chris and he's going to be joining our group. Please make him feel welcome!"

"Hi," Chris smiled tensely. I rolled my eyes at my friend Anya.

Taylor instructed, "Seven lanes of choice."

Chris was first in line so he started doing freestyle. I went five seconds after him and even though I was the fastest in the group, at that moment I realized I wasn't anymore. Chris was a long way ahead of me and had reached the wall ten seconds before I had.

"Wow! You're fast!" I chuckled. Chris said a quick thanks and kept swimming. After seven lengths, Chris finished at the opposite side from where we started and he shockingly wasn't tired.

Anya gaped at him and whispered to me, "Not only is he a super-fast swimmer, but he's also so cute!"

"Oh shut up, Anya!" I nudged her playfully. Taylor told us our next set and Chris immediately swam away from the wall eagerly. I was about to kick off the wall when Taylor told me to climb out of the pool.

"You can tell Chris is fast. He might even be faster than you," she started. She must have caught my confused look so she continued.

"Don't you remember? I can only take one swimmer to the meet from this group. You must bring your A-game or else I'll have no choice but to bring Chris," Taylor grimaced. She told me to get back into the pool and the group had already finished 50m of backstroke. Chris gave me a smirk when I entered the pool quickly. Anna gave me a shrug as Chris kept swimming. As I swam backstroke, I thought about what Taylor had told me. Her exact words still haunted me until the first day of school at South Hill High School. I was in the same homeroom as my best friends Tanya Grace and Abigail Wesmon, I was super anxious as I walked into Room 13 and my heartbeat sped up considerably when I saw Chris sitting in a seat next to Abigail. I headed over and Chris noticed me immediately.

"Hey Elle," he smiled. Abigail looked at me and I could tell she was wondering how Chris knew me.

"Hi. Abigail, this is Chris from Orcas Swim Club," I said, introducing them. I claimed the seat on the opposite side of Abigail. That evening, I went to my swim club practice. There was a time trial today and I was going to be swimming 200 IM. Chris and another member Maria were swimming in the same set as me. When it was our turn, Taylor whispered to me a short good luck. Chris nodded at me and Maria looked like she was about to faint of fright.

"Swimmers on the block. On your marks, get set, go!" the starter clicked the buzzer and I dove into the pool. I did three dolphin kicks and whipped my arms forward and I saw Chris not far behind me. Five seconds later, he was in front of me. Three minutes or so later, I climbed out of the pool in anticipation. What was my time? Did I beat Chris? Is Taylor going to take me to the swim meet in a week?

"Good job, Maria," I said to the almost-going-to-puke girl.

"Elle, your time is four minutes and six seconds. Chris, you got four minutes and two seconds."

I didn't hear her continue. No! No, no, no, no, no! Chris had beaten me. He would go to the swim meet and I wouldn't! This could not be happening! My eyes began to well up.

"Chris, I will be taking you to next Saturday's meet," Taylor grinned. Then she turned to me and offered me a small sad smile. "I'm so sorry Elle. There will be many other chances! You are a fantastic swimmer. Don't lose your talent."

"It's...it's f...fine. Congrats, Chris! I hope you do well!" I choked, trying not to cry in front of them.

I sat down beside Anya who had heard everything.

"Oh Elle! I'm sorry!" she cried.

"It's not your fault, Anya. You're next. Help me by getting a better time! Beat him. Please," I said.


Anna hugged me and went to the side of the pool. I knew, inside, that there was no way Anya could beat Chris. Her usual time was eight seconds after his. On Wednesday, Taylor suddenly announces there would be a swim meet against Mantas Swim Club this Sunday. I would be swimming 100 IM, 50 Butterfly, 50 Breaststroke, and Mixed 200 IM with Anya, Chris, and Tyler. When Sunday came, I was a bundle of nervousness. Anya and I had arrived together. I had to swim 50 Breaststroke first which went really well. Shortly after that, it was time for the Mixed 200 IM.

"Ok. Chris, you swim first. Tyler, second Anya, third. Elle, you swim last," declared Taylor.

Deep down, I knew. If I wanted my team to win, I had to get Taylor to change the order.

"Wait. Taylor, I need you to change something. Chris should swim anchor," I admitted.

Everyone stared at me.

"But I've never swam anchor!" exclaimed Chris.

I gasped, "Are you seriously kidding me? You're the fastest swimmer in this group. You're like a human fish! Don't you want this team to win?'

Taylor nodded at Chris, "Yes, yes. Come on!"

Chris grinned at me with sincere eyes. I got onto the diving block. I dove into the water when the buzzer beeped. During my swim, I couldn't help but think of Chris. I couldn't believe it made me faster. Like thinking of him made me want to work harder. I wanted to do my best for him. I knew his parents forced him to practice every day. I wanted his parents to see that he was a great swimmer. I touched the wall and Tyler swam off the wall beside me and started backstroke. I climbed out of the pool and started cheering.

"Go Tyler! You can do this! Go Orcas!"

Anna got ready on the diving block once Tyler started swimming back.

"You can do this, Anya. Show them what you've got!" I beamed at Anna and she beamed back. When Chris started climbing on the diving block, I could tell he was nervous and scared. I turned and gave him some tips.

"Don't clench your fingers, open them. Don't overreach; it'll make your back arch. You can do this!"

"Thanks. For everything," said Chris happily. Of course I didn't know what he meant but he was in the pool before I could ask,

"Yay! Go Orcas! You can do this, Chris! Kick faster, keep going!" I cheered. Anna and Tyler joined in. Then, as Chris approached the wall, the other team's swimmer was gaining on him. Chris pushed forward and touched the wall first. We screamed with delight as Tyler helped Chris out of the water.

"You did it! We beat Mantas! I'm so happy!" Taylor shrieked. Chris smiled happily as everyone around us hugged and cheered for him. Chris then stepped out of the crowd and whispered to me.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked. I gulped and nodded.

"You're probably wondering what I meant back there. I'm thanking you because my parents finally realize I'm a good swimmer and I won't have to practice everyday. So yeah." Chris stated.

I nodded, "You're welcome. You're a really good swimmer."

At the after party, I headed over to where Chris and his friends were sitting.

"Hey," I said.

Chris nodded at me and smiled. Taylor announced a challenge at the fireplace but I decided not to go. I had to talk to Chris first.

"Wait, Chris. I need to tell you something," I nervously said.

Chris gave me a quizzical look and shrugged. He sat down on a chair and I sat next to him.

"I like you. I never realized until today. I know you might not feel the same way but I had to tell you," I murmured. Chris didn't say anything for a minute. So I stood up.

"We should go join the others." I said, mortified.

"Yeah. Good idea." whispered Chris solemnly. I walked a few steps ahead of him, but he caught up to me. He slipped his hand into mine and I gasped, surprised. I curved? my fingers and laced them around his. This was us. Me and him. Sugar and spice. Perfect combo.

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