Chapter 1: The Genesis of a New Feeling

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"I know everything happens for a reason but what the fuck" Iceberg thinks to himself as he finishes brushing his teeth before heading off to bed. He looks at himself in the mirror and groans."I can't have a crush on my boss..." he grumbled rubbing his cheeks. When Iceberg notices his face grow warm, he begins. 

Iceberg had a dilemma. It seems that he had developed a little crush on a certain someone. 

"Sweet Jesus, I should probably get some sleep" Iceberg said as he took a look at the clock. 

He heads to his bed and covers himself with many blankets. He still feels cold but hey, a guy can't stop trying, right? As he lays in bed, Iceberg's poor mind is denied the sweet leisure of sleep by a cloud of thought.

Iceberg works with his boss (obviously) and it sucks because he is his assistant and has to be with him most of the time. 

It's not much really, they just type and write all day. They talk occasionally and crack a few jokes or two. The work that he gives Julian is minimal, so he's practically able to burn through it and it leaves him just about enough time to stare at his boss.

He thinks about his crush and his heart flutters. Ice sighs. He thinks about him and his heart begins to flutter, and with that he frowns

Julian notices the things about this special someone. Like when he shows a little more than a nonchalant expression or when he changes the color of his tie. 

To Julian, this man was just perfect and he can spend hours upon hours just talking about or looking at him. 

He turns to his side and purses his lips in defeat. "Maybe I do have a crush on him..." he tells himself while giving in to a soft smile. 

Iceberg had to call an expert just to make sure about his feelings though. He waited, desperate for her response yet fearful of her reaction.

"What's your crisis, Ice? 'Cause you must be having a problem. Only someone with a crisis would make a phone call at 11:50 pm." responded a very groggy Agatha Rights into the phone.

"Listen, I'm sorry, Agatha, I am having a crisis" Iceberg responded with urgency "It's just… I think… I think I have a- uh have a..." his voice grew higher as his words turned to gibberish. 

"You got what? A boner? A bad case of explosive diarrhea? I want to get this over with so I can get some beauty sleep" Rights said with a pout on her face. 

"I can assure you that my bowels are doing great and no I don't have that either. It's just that I think I'm thinking about someone and it's not regular thinking." he said in a hushed tone. 

"Then why didn't you just say so! And why are you whispering!? You're at home!" Agatha said with a dramatic squeal of joy.

Iceberg rubbed the bridge of his nose as he held the phone away from his ear. " Err… Agatha, there's no need to get excited about this; maybe I just want to be their best friend?" Agatha's extroverted nature irked his nerves, he was grateful for her all but adopting him and being his best friend, but sometimes she was just too much.

"ICE. You wouldn't have called me just to say that you wanted to be 'best friends' with this mystery person" Rights retorted. 

Julian remained quiet and blushed. What was he supposed to do now? He did call his best friend for a reason. All he needed to do is tell her what's up. 

"Hello? Earth to Iceberg!!" Agatha said to the phone waving her hand despite not being able to see him. 

"Christ Agatha, give me a minute to collect my feelings for them!" Julian said annoyed with Agatha's eagerness 

"This person- I don't think they like me back but I really care about them. Like a lot. I always stare at them, and I notice everything about them- Is it creepy that I know their birthday?" 

"AH HA, so it IS a crush. That's so cute!! And no, it's not creepy as long as you don't stalk them" Rights said smiling.
Iceberg's eyes shifted as he lost his words. 
"Nevermind" Agatha said giving a wild giggle "Can I know this person's name? I really want to play cupid and so I can bring Dr. Glass into this!!" 

"Dr. Glass?" Iceberg added in an uncertain voice. 

"Shit. He's gonna over-analyze this with his stupid therapy techniques" he thinks to himself 

"Yes, Dr. Glass" Rights replied "I swear to 343, stop stalling, Ice!! Just tell me and we'll sort this out together. We're bros, right?"

"Fine fine. Do you want to know their birthday?"

"Ice. Just say the damn name, so we can help you get some pussy or dick, your preference~"

"Fine... it's Dr. Gears!" Iceberg said reluctantly.

Agatha was quiet for a moment.
"WHAAAAAAAT!? YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ROBO-GEARS? YOUR BOSS?!" Rights screamed into her phone. 

Iceberg heard her put down the phone and muffled squeals in the distance. 

"OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD!!!! THIS IS DEFINITELY A KETER CLASS TYPE OF CRUSH. DR. GLASS AND I ARE GONNA HAVE A HELLA GOOD TIME HELPING YOU OUT!! Hold on, why do you like Dr. Robo-Gears? He's literally the most boring man on this site ever and he gives me the creeps. To be honest, I feel like he's killed someone before." Rights said calming down.

"Oh come on, Agatha, he's not that bad. Just last Monday he said 'Heh' to one of Alto's jokes! The point is, I just see something in him. He's kind, hardworking, and just so sincere. It's like we have some sort of connection…" Iceberg said dreamily. 

"This love speech is getting so sweet, I'm already getting cavities and Dr. Gerald collapsed from having high blood sugar…" Rights snarked "You're usually not like this. You're usually salty or bitter. I can tell you really like Robo-Gears"

"Gee thanks." Iceberg said dryly, offended by Rights' comment. 

"Alright Iceberg, we should definitely go to sleep now, we have work tomorrow. I sent a text to Dr. Glass to have lunch with us. Get ready. Nighty night!" Agatha concluded. 

Iceberg sighed after Agatha hung up. He did need to catch some sleep, after all, he did need to look good for Dr. "Robo-Gears"

Smh sorry if my chapters are short, I'm not good at writing so have some patience p l e a s e .

Another thing, I wanna give a round of applause to Letmeread222 for bearing with my poor grammar and being able to edit my story. I'm very grateful for you because God knows what I could've written if you weren't there lol.  Not only are they good at being an editor they are one hell of a writer too; their SCP stories are very gucci and you should definitely follow them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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