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(Narrators Pov)
Y/n is a doctor at a asanasilm(if that's how you spell it :p, also the cover is what you look like)One day,y/n took in another patient and by now monsters were pretty normal here,but this monster was a skeleton that has never been here before.Usually monsters would come in multiple times,always the same.This skeleton never seemed to come here,for this must be his first time.

The skeleton has dust all over him,which makes the other doctors start non-truthfull things about the skelly.

To be truthfull,the skeleton never said his name,anything about his past,or really anything about him.Y/n would try to give him a name but something would happen if she (sorry dudes) did.For instance,one time y/n tried calling him jake or jacob,but when she did,she would get sudden flashes of images in her head and wouldn't call the skeleton jake or jacob again.The last time y/n came in to talk to the skeleton she called him dust.At that moment the skeleton only tensed,no images or anything out of the ordinary happened.So the name stuck.

Y/n basically lives at work.She never goes home,because she has nobody to go home to,or anything for that matter.Y/n would always receive good from her fellow employees and would eat or sleep,which ever needed most at the time,on her break.

Once,when y/n was at work,she walked to a sound-proof room and just screamed and cried her eyes out,not really,but it was pretty bad.Y/n would usually keep a pretty good poker face on,but little does everybody know,she is slowly losing her sanity.Y/n doesn't even know why though,she leads a great life,good job,well really no family,but who needs them,right?Y/n also has good @fellow friend employees.Though they would normally ignore her unless they needed something from her

On a day where nothing was the same,everything completely different,y/n snaps.

Dear Reader-chan,
I really hope you liked the first ch,I worked hard on it.And yes this is my first book,so p lease don't be to harsh.But also please do comment how the first ch is!Bai-Bai for now
                                 Author-Senpai <3

    (P.s hope you don't mind me being called author-senpai)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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