Chapter 1: NEVERLAND

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"I wonder if Neverland is actually real?I mean I wouldn't mind going there since my parents don't care about me..."I thought. "Never land.... Hmmmm" I though right before closing my eyes and falling asleep

"Hey... Amber, right? A really tall, attractive boy asked.

"Umm ya.. How do you know my name? I never told you. And where am I?" I asked

"Oh.. Sorry, did I forget to introduce myself? Im Peter, Peter Pan and you are in Neverland!" Said the boy with a smile

"Peter Pan? Neverland? Wait It exists? Really?? Am I imagining this?" As I was asking these questions everything started to fade away

The last thing I saw was the boy, Peter, smiling.


As I woke up, I sudennly sat up on my bed. My dream It looked so real! I remember everything clearly. Peter was there and I was in Neverland! This was all so weird...

"It was just a dream" I said quietly.

After a while of thinking about my weird dream, I decided to get ready for school. When I got ready I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I made pancakes and hot chocolate.
"Stop eating, you are going to get fatter!" My mom yelled from the stairs
"She can't be eating again! Ugh who cares! Anyway, Amber your mother and I are going away for about a month!" My father said

"Where are you going?" I asked

" oh sorry we forgot to tell you earlier, we are going to Hawaii for a vacation! You don't mind right? Wait of course you don't mind! Ahahaha"My mother said

"Of course not... " I said quietly

"We left you a little bit of money, it is on the counter and well ALOHA!" My mother said as they were going out the door.

This happens everytime! I can't live like this anymore! I am only 15, why do they do this to me? I kept on asking my self these questions.

I looked at the clock it was 7:30. I got my bag and went to school. When I arrived at school my best friend Lauren ran up to me and hugged me.

"I am guessing your parents left again.... for another vacation?" She asked

"Ya..." I said quietly

"Well it's ok because I am here to cheer you up!" She said with a huge smile on her face
"After school, I'm going to go to the forest." I told Lauren
She just nodded and then we went to class.

The day past really slowly and when the last bell rang I went to the forest to think. I always go there, it is such a beautiful place! And it is a great place to let your feelings out and think.

When I came there I sat on the ground and looked at the trees, listened to the birds sing and I was thinking about Peter, Peter Pan.

"I don't like my parents.. why do they leave me all the time?" I said to myself

Then suddenly I heard something crack or footsteps, I wasn't really sure what it was! I stood up and went to look around. After about 5 minutes of walking I saw something in the ground! It was a big green-ish hole. I was really curious so I stepped a little bit closer and it looked really strange! I never saw anything like it before...
One more step... I was scared so I turned around, and someone was standing in front of me! So that means when I was looking into the hole it was standing behind me... And I couldn't hear it?
"Umm excuse me?" I said, I couldn't see his/her face.
It looked at me and then pushed me into the hole...


This is the first chapter! And this is the very first story I'm writing! Sorry if I have spelling mistakes!!! :)
Hope you like it

I will try and upload new chapters everyweek.

Peter Pan's lost girl (Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now