Chapter 2.5

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Tow mater and ass go to squidward's tiki land. They go to bully the homeless kid with air Donald duck and have s- jkjkjkjk
Welcomeeeee to squidward's tiki land hoo ha hoo tiki tiki
Matentoe goes on the water river ride and sees squidward's chode nose and laughs.

Ooh, ahh, oh, tiki tiki [repeated throughout song]
Tiki 1: Hey fellas, look, it's Squidward.
Tiki 2: Hey buddy, how've you been?
Squidward: Hit it, boys!
Welcome to Squidward's Tiki Land!
Welcome to Squidward's Tiki Land!
You can relax all day, like a Tiki can...
Or lay out in the sun, for a Tiki tan...
Squidward: Or drink from coconut that's full of flan!
Here in Squidward's Tiki Land!
You can play all day, in the Tiki band
Then dance all night on the Tiki Strand
Squidward: Don't matter to me 'cause... 'cause I'm crazy, man!
Here in Squidward's Tiki Land!

Друг goes to niggward's ghetto land and gets shot

That was my fanfic au thx guys

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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