the game night (pt. 1)

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Y/N followed Ochaco towards the dorm building, itching to get my uniform as soon as possible. It had been two days. Two days I had been wearing Ochoco's insufferable outfits. Once we arrived to her room my heart sank. The uniform wasn't there. I unlocked the door and frantically threw her stuff around, to no avail.
I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, loud enough I'm sure anyone in the school and dorm could hear it. Ochaco sighed as mina (waifuu) came into the room. I got up and sat on the bed criss cross legged and looked up at her. Crying like a smoll bean.
(Matttt!!! Eddsworld reference sorry)

She sat next to me and rubbed my back as I cried like a small bean. I wiped my tears a few.minutes later and sniffles.

Mina's POV~

I rubbed the small of her back as she cried. I felt bad but she looked so kawaiii!! I kept thinking of ways to cheer her up.
Ice cream? She would drop it.
Fashion? She was upset about Ochaco's outift..
Games? But what..?
Wait, I'm gonna be her wingman! But who does she like.
I got up and whispered into Ochaco's ear my idea, making it so Y/N couldn't hear. Ochaco nodded determined, and grabbed her purse rushing out the door. I texted the girls and the guys. I was ready for the plan.

Incognitokawaiislimeball: hey guys, let's have a game night in my room
Birthgiverofobjects: sure! What time?

ManlySharkboi: I'm in, ill bring bakugou

Pikapika-choo: Kay

Mumbles: okay I will be there

Pervertedgrape: are all the girls coming

Jirou (bff): block him

Gravity: do it

~incognitokawaiislimeball has removed "pervertedgrape" from the chat~

Incognitokawaiislimwball: it will be at 8:30! C'ya guys there!

I put away to look at Y/N looking at me, curiously.

Back to your POV~

I looked. Up at mina, she had been tested for a while now, and I was curious. She looked really happy.
"Y/N, can we go shopping? Ill get you clothes!" She asked her fists clenched in excitement. I nodded, eager for the chance not to have to have ochacos outfits on my body anymore. I Burst out of her room and to her car, causing chaos in my wake.
"Where are we going first?" I asked Mina, when she had finally arrived.

"The mall." She said turning on the engine.

~at the mall:clothes store~

I ran my fingers over the hoodie's fabric, looking at it in awe, I added it to the pile of clothes, in the cart, Mina and I had gotten, when we first walked in. I walked over to the accessories, hung on a white metal rack. After a while, Mina finished as I grabbed a black skull choker, and tossed it into the cart. We ran into the changing room and changed. We separated our piles and picked throughout the clothes that fit. Before we paid I saw her throw something in, last minute. Afterwards we went to Starbucks.
Mina got some sort of Unicorn Shake,while I got F/D. (Iced Vanilla Bean Creme, is mine, you should try it)

Mina's drink, diy)

Time skip (8:00)

"Y/N!" Mina shouted, making me fall off my bed. I do not fall pretty, first I hit my head, then I fall, and then I try to get up, my knees buckle, I hit my head again, and then I can finally get up. That's my cycle, I do it. Every. Time. If you can't tell I am really clumsy. Mina burst out laughing.

~few minutes later~

She finally got herself together, as I crossed my arms.
"Time to get ready for the party!" She exclaimed.
"Okay I'm go- wait a minute! Who dais I was coming!?" I realized my mistake but it was too late.
"You just Said you were!" She pouted and I couldn't resist her puppy eyes.
"Fine." I grumbled. I got changed into my outfit I had bought

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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Your hair:

Your hair:

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