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Amber's POV

It's been a while since I saw the outside world. I was pretty young when I got to see the trees, the grass, and the beautiful sunset. Now, I've been isolated in a solitary room. I was classified as a dangerous subject since I have tried to escape multiple times. I never knew what it was like to be free, make my own decisions and fight for what was right. They called me "GE-175". That was the name they gave me, but they did give me a real name. The guards call me by my real name, while the scientists call me by my number. My room was very isolated. No windows, there's one door, security cameras everywhere, and there was barely anything in that room that entertained me. So no books, toys, dolls, anything. All I had was a mat with a pillow and blanket,  a high shelf, a desk with a chair, and a small closet with clothes. The room was also pretty big, so it was bare. Luckily, it's not dark here all the time. I was literally enduring the pain they gave me. They gave me a lot of things to fear, like needles, people (a bit), guns being pointed at me, labs, prison cells, military people, scientists, isolated areas and many more. I was just waiting for the next experiment they were giving me. All of a sudden, I heard an explosion and then I heard screaming and running. I stood up, and then I saw a guard run in my room. I said, "What's going on?" "Amber! Thank god, you're alright. We need to leave! One of the experiments escaped and are infecting people. They became zombies!" the guard said. I recognized the voice immediately, that was Mario. A high commander in the military. I followed him as we tried to escape. The zombies were going to overwhelm us, but then I used my powers to stop them. Suddenly, another explosion came out. I fell on the ground, and I heard some shouting. Mario was trying to get me up, but he was busy fighting the zombies. I ran off in the other direction, and then I managed to hide in one of the rooms. I looked out again and saw Mario being overpowered. I ran towards him and killed all the zombies. Then, I heard another explosion. I saw that Mario was unconscious. I picked Mario up, and then I ran outside. I saw a helicopter there. I ran towards them, and one of them asked: "What happened?" "There are explosions coming out there. I have to go back, there's still someone else in there!" I said. They tried to stop me, but I just ran back into the building. I ran inside the building, and I found a scientist who was still alive. The building was starting to break, so I just teleported the scientist out of there, and then the rubble just fell on me. 

A few hours later...

Brandon's POV

Our group was walking through a forest when we saw a facility on fire. We ran towards it and put out the fire. We looked inside and found tons of medical kits, tons of dead people, and then we found records that were talking about experiments. None of it was pretty interesting until I heard something fall. I looked and saw a girl. She had injuries, so I went towards her. I checked for her pulse and it was beating. So I said "Guys! I found a survivor!" They ran towards me, and then we took off all the rubble that was on her. We checked for any major injuries, but she didn't have any. Then, she started looking very familiar. I said "She looks very familiar...but where have I seen her?" "Wait...I recognize that pendant. I gave it to Amber a few years ago...this is Amber." David said. "We need to get out of here before the building collapse," Lucas said. I picked Amber up, and then we got out of there. We went back to camp, and then I laid Amber on my bed. I said, "Lucas, grab that medkit over there!" "Alright!" Lucas answered. He grabbed it and then gave it to me. I opened it and then pulled out the bandages. I started wrapping bandages around Amber's injuries. After, I made sure there weren't any more injuries. Then I helped her wear new clothes and then let her rest in my bed. David said, "Hey, I'm going to go out and try to grab something for Amber, you two stay here and defend the place while I'm gone."  I nodded and just sat there with her. Lucas sat by the door, ready in case something goes wrong. I decided to look in my journal as usual. I was writing in it, about Amber. Mostly things that I knew about her, and things like that. I was also holding her hand, you see Amber and I was best friends until one day she disappeared. I was devastated, but with David who was also close friends with Amber, we researched and tried to find where she was. But then the apocalypse started, so we never could finish the research. We just took everything we thought about, and then went around. I was lost in my thoughts trying to figure some stuff out when I felt a small squeeze. I stopped writing and then I said "Lucas! Come quick!" He came and said, "What is it?" "I felt Amber squeeze my hand a bit. That means that she's going to wake up soon. Hopefully, David gets back before she gets up." I said. Lucas said "I really hope she wakes up soon. And by the way, did you notice that the place we found her in was a bit strange?" "Yeah, I noticed that it was like a hospital except it wasn't. I was thinking that it was a government facility that got overrun by zombies." I said. "Exactly, do you think that Amber was a government experiment? I mean remember her mom was a scientist and her dad was military personnel. So if I'm thinking about this correctly, she has something that could be dangerous..." Lucas said. "Don't think that Amber can't control it. I know that she's strong enough to fight and I know that she won't hurt us. You don't know her as much as David and I do." I said. "I'm sorry. It's just that I'm a bit nervous about letting a government experiment inside. Even if you know her, will she even remember you both? You don't know if they brainwashed her or anything like that..." Lucas said. "Shut up, Lucas! I don't want to hear it! Just leave me alone." I said. Lucas backed off and sat by the door again. I calmed myself down and then waited for Amber to wake up. 

A few more hours later...

I yawned since I've been sitting on this chair for hours. David is taking a long time to grab some things. Amber was slowly moving around in my bed. I was just looking through my journal when I heard some sort of whimper or something like that. I looked up and saw Amber twisting and turning in my bed. I put my journal down and then I held Amber's hand to make her know that she's safe. She started calming down, but she was still moving around and I could feel her trembling in fear of something. I said, "You're having a nightmare..." I started patting her on her head and then also, holding her hand so she's comfortable. Soon, I saw that David returned. He was breathing heavily and said "I'm back. Is she awake yet?" "Nope. But she's having a nightmare...I'm comforting her right now." I said. "I see. I brought Amber some food, a few weapons that I found, and some other things. We'll try and figure out how we're going to do bed arrangements. Most likely, one of us is going to be sleeping on the couch or on the floor." David said. Lucas said, "Can I talk to you alone, David?" "Sure. Let's move over here." David said. I looked away from Lucas, as I was staying with Amber. She woke up so suddenly. "Ah!!" She shouted. 

Amber's POV

I was breathing heavily. "It's okay, Amber. You're safe." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head and I saw Brandon with a worried look on his face. I looked down and then I looked back at Brandon. I said, "You're Brandon..." "Yes! You remember me! I'm so glad you're okay!" He said. He hugged me and I said, "What happened?" "We found you in a weird facility in the middle of the forest. We saw you and then took you back to our place. Are you okay? Do you feel sick or does it hurt anywhere?" Brandon asked. "No, nothing hurts. You did really well with putting the bandages. And who's we?" I said. "David! Lucas! Come here!" Brandon yelled. I saw 2 people come to us. I said "David!" "Amber! Thank god you're alright." David said. "And you are?" I asked. "My name is Lucas." The other guy said. "I just noticed...Amber, why are your eyes different colours?" Brandon asked. "Oh...well it's a long story," I said. "We have all day," David said. I sighed and then talked about what happened.


"Mom? What are you doing?" I asked. "Honey, it's alright. It'll all be over soon." Mom said. I was backing away from her, I said "Mom...YOU TOOK ME AWAY FROM MY BROTHER AND THEN ISOLATE ME FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!??!?!" "Just let me put this in you, and then you don't have to worry." She said, trying to soothe me. I was getting angry and sad, I was crying. I kept yelling and trying to avoid getting it until two guards had to step in. They held me while my mom made that weird crystal touch me. "AHHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled out in pain. It hurt a lot...Afterwards, Mom looked so happy and so proud of what she did to me. She said "You should be happy now. You helped mommy with an experiment.. *mutters: now you're one too*"  I stood up, and then I looked at Mom. I was enraged and all of my emotions were unstable. I said "Why would you do this to your own daughter?!?? I hate you! You're going to regret everything you did to me and the other people who were forced to be your lab rats!!!" I punched her and then she hit a wall, unconscious. I started attacking the entire place in rage. The thing was that I was doing it out of my own will, so it wasn't that I lost control it was just that they all deserved it. No one should go through the same pain as I did. After, I was hit in the head and then taken away to another secret facility. I saw that I had 2 different eye colours now. My right eye was blue and my left eye became purple. Apparently, my mom had serious injuries. I just wanted to see my dad and my brother. Soon, they just did experiments on me. Most of them were to see what I can do. After a while, I just gave up and did what they said. But they had no idea how much trauma and how much pain and torture they put me through. I found out a few weeks later that my mom died. And they told my brother and my dad that I killed her because I started becoming dangerous and unstable. I couldn't believe that they're lying about me...I just lost hope in myself and in humanity, since I was mistreated my entire life.

-End of Flashback-

After I told them what happened, they were shocked. I was crying, and then I said: "I wanted to destroy myself at one point." David and Brandon's eyes were filled with tears. Brandon hugged me tightly and said "We're not going to let you get hurt again. Not anymore. You don't deserve it. You deserve better." David also hugged me, Lucas was a bit reluctant but he hugged me afterwards. Brandon decided to sleep with me so that I wouldn't get any nightmares. I felt loved and cared about, something that I never experienced since I was really little. But I always wondered...Why was it me that had to suffer? My brother and my dad were left alone, but I was the only thing my mom wanted to use...It just didn't make any sense at all. Maybe there's something that Mom hid from me, my brother and my dad... 

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