Draven's secret

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"Come on! Go on! And shut up! The kingdom of Noxus rules on this territory now!"- said Darius, the most perfid and cruel warrior of Noxus, flanked by his vain brother, Draven, a black-hair guy with a sleeveless shirt and a long, thin pair of moustache.

They were attacking some villages nearby Demacia, a second kingdom rival of Noxus.

"Please spare us we're very poor... please! Mercy!"- begged a old woman while she was looking at her house burning up...

"Spare?! Mercy?! AHAHA! I don't even know what do these words mean"- said Draven showing his axes to the woman that immediatly stepped back scared...

After have razed the entire village Darius and his brother decided to head back to Noxus when Draven noticed something bright in the wood.

He jumped off the carriage and walked into the wood looking for the glittering object.

Darius didn't even notice about his brother disappeareance but he didn't mind and kept going for his way

Meanwhile Draven was exploring the wood but after some minutes he realized he got lost when suddenly he heard a voice "Did you get lost?"

Draven felt frightened at first but then laughed and said "Whoever you are show yourself so I can cut your head out ahahaha!" starting rotating his axes

A blondy-hair boy appeared from behind a tree, he was wearing the typic clothes of a explorer and a strange and beautiful glove on his right hand, "Hey!"

Ezreal didn't even have the time for introducing himself that one axe was already stuck in the tree's bark

"What do you want from me boy?"- said Draven with arrogant voice but Ezreal just replied ironically"Ezreal... pleased to meet you... I want to help you"- but Draven just ignored him.

The black-hair guy started walking randomly in the forest and Ezreal decided to follow him.

"Wrong way... no, this is not the correct path... you're going in the wrong direction..."- was saying Ezreal

"Will you shut up?! The glorious Draven doesn't need your help!"- replied Draven angrily "I've already had the unluck to meet you and I'm now I'm lost in a wood... perfect!".

"A wood? Are you joking? This is a very particular forest! If I were you I would be very careful to the flowers and trees..."- Ezreal knew the tricks of the forest but didn't want to tell Draven...

"I don't give a fuck about the nature! I just want to get out of this fuc..."- Draven couldn't even finish his sentence when he accidentally stepped on a weird flower that instantly opened its petals and wrapped Draven's foot

"What the...?!"- the skeptical boy was trapped, he looked at Ezreal with angry face "Why don't you help me?! I'm stuck!".

"I told you to care... but you prefered not to listen to me... well... fear not, I've got a special item that will absorb the magic from the plant making it be just a simple flower..."- said Ezreal... meanwhile the trees' branches and roots beginned getting closer to Draven slowly...

"Well?! What are you waiting for?! Use it!"- shouted Draven
"Mmh... everything has a price... what will you give me?"- asked Ezreal, meanwhile the weird flower started eating Draven's boot...

"Anything! I promise!"- said Draven frightened;
Ezreal then took a little ampoule with a shiny-blue liquid in it and spilled a bit on the flower;
It became a normale flower and the trees nearby returned to their position

Draven was now free, he didn't have his right boot but he was free... "well... see'ya!" said and started running away laughing at Ezreal

"He won't run so far..." thought Ezreal and slowly chased his trickster...

Draven's secret (Draven x Ezreal) TickleWhere stories live. Discover now