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Hi I am Maddy Shannon and this is my life,it is the year 2149.It sucks here we have to wear weed breathers and I have no friends.Everyone cheats off my homework and test and I get bullied.The bullying started in 6th grade but has gotten worse.They just use to call me names,but now they push and hit me.I have no one to run too.Two of my bullies are my mom's coworkers son and daughter.Plus my dad is always busy,Josh is in a different grade so he doesn't witness anything,also he spends his whole day with his girlfriend,and zoey is two young to understand.So I just suck it up and hold it in.Today they knocked my books out of my hands and pushed me to the ground.They even told me no one will every love me.It is true who would every want a freak like me.So when they left I just picked up my books and went to class.I arrived late but my teacher didn't care because I was one of the best students in her class.As the day passed everything was normal people calling me a freak and getting paper thrown at me.When the final bell rang I walked home,but to my surprise when I got home Josh,Mom,Dad,and Zoey were there with a two guards and I am guessing their boss.I got nervous because Zoey was not hidden.So I asked what was going on.
"Mom what is going on"
"Maddy we are going to terra nova,because they need doctors over there"
I got so excited,finally a new chance at life.My mom informed we will be leaving in 3 days,but a guard will be staying with us.His name is Mark Reynolds,since the guard knew of Zoey my dad can take her to his work,while everyone else is at school or at work.Since everyone besides me is always coming home late Mark has to go to school with me.At least I will have someone to talk to at lunch.After that I took a shower and went to bed.In the morning I brushed my teeth and got dressed,did my hair and walked to school with Mark.He started the conversation
"Are you excited about going to terra nova"
"Yes,it will be a new start for me which I need"
"How come"
"Life here isn't the best,I always get bullied and I have no friends"
"Really,I thought you would have lots of friends"
"Why did you think that"
"From what I heard you are a very nice and smart girl"
"No one cares if I am smart or nice,they just want to bully me"
"They are missing out because you would be a incredible friend"
"Thank you"
"No problem"
"Can you promise not to tell any about me getting bullied"
"Ok,but if it gets worse you have to tell me"
"Ok I will"
Once we got to school,everyone started at me.Since I was with Mark,no one dared to come up to me.As the bell rung everyone hurried up to class,as Mark and I did.When me got to class everyone looked at me again,since my teacher got an email about me and my family she knew Mark was coming.As I walked to my seat Mark got in front of me and pulled the chair as a gentlemen would.He said
"Miss Shannon"
"Thank you Mr.Reynolds"
And like that my teacher started teaching,I started to copy the notes on the broad,every ones in a while I looked up and saw Mark looking so fascinated at the board.Which was really cute but I know we will never be together because he probably has a girlfriend back in terra nova.This is just a another hopeless crush.When the bell rang I made my way over lunch since we only have two classes today.When me and Mark got to my usual table there were notes.Mark reached and got one and opened it.It said Go to hell and die nerd.I got a little tear eye after Mark's facial expression changed.
"This is what you were talking about"
"Yep its everyday"
"You know what since you already know what your teacher is teaching you in your next period let's skip the rest of the day"
"But I will get in trouble"
"I just tell them you felt sick"
"You would really do that for me"
"Of course"
"Thank you so much Mark"
"No problem Maddy"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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