A Spring Where Life Began

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I saw her,

ast winter.

The dark,

Angry winter

It was a frosty winter

Where life is lifeless.

And friends are friendless.

I saw her standing there,

So perfect she was, standing there.

Her smile shined  that dark day.

On a dayWhen the clouds kidnapped the sun.

I saw the life in her eyes.

I saw the hope.

I felt it becomewarmer.

I felt it become sweeter.

On that cold & bitter day.

I heard her voice.

I heard her laughter.

Nothing cuter.

I felt her invading.

Fighting away all the monsters.

All the the monsters in that cracked heart.

I was in a moment of battle.

A part of me pushes me forward to talk to her.

& another grabs me back.

I was shivering.

Not of cold but of  fear.

I was afraid to look at her.

But i couldn't keep my eyes off.

Then a guy from no where came.

A good looking guy.

He gave her a rose. with a winking eye.

There is a new knight in the battlefield i guess.

He talked to her for like 15 minutes.

She never stopped laughing.

He hugged her then.

The clouds got tighter than they were.

Everything became ice.

The rain became snow.

And the thunder went angrier

I was about to leave.

But that guy disappeared.

I still thought i got no chance.

But then she said "Hello tan, whats your name"

That moment, i barely remembered my name.

"whats wrong with you? You've been standing there for a long time. Searching for somebody?"

"No, no." Im fine.

Then we talked for a while.

When the clouds finally split away.

And the sun shined so good.

Everything became green.

And all the ice melt.

That winter.

Changed into a spring.

A spring where life began

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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