The Only Exception |Tayley Love Story|

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Authors note: Hayley Williams and Taylor York. My one and only OTP. Chadley, Joshley, and any other hayley/whoever shippers can lump off. Tayley is it. So, I decided to write a Tayley fic. Like, I ship Tayley so hard what it hurts, so I figure this will be a good way to get out my feels. So all you Tayley shippers, I hope you enjoy <3



Hayley Williams angrily scribbled words into her notebook, occasionally sending cold, venomous glares at Josh Farro, who sat, glowering at Hayley.

'Stupid asshole' Hayley thought as she wrote more of her feelings down.

This was his fault, not hers. He was the one who broke up with Hayley so... Hurtfully. She tried keeping the peace for such a long time, but his superior attitude drove Hayley insane, and instead of wanting to keep the peace, all Hayley wanted to do was punch him.

It was causing friction with the band too. The only friend Hayley really had left in this was Jeremy. And even Jeremy would get irritated with her, and she basically had no one.

If it weren't for her love and passion for everything that she had created with the guys, and the desire to want to do more, she would walk straight out of that god damn studio and leave it all behind. Forever, and when someone mentioned the word Paramore, she'd ask, "what's that?"

But she couldn't.

And what Hayley didn't realize, or even notice, was the curly haired boy with the nose piercing, sitting in the corner, and how much he cared.

Taylor York had spent the best part of two years watching Hayley and Josh, in love, playing music and kissing and all of that stuff she should have been doing with someone else.


Taylor had a glare on his face, just like everyone, only his wasn't aimed at Hayley like everyone else's was today. His was aimed at Josh for all the hurtful things he said to Hayley.

"You seem to be really getting some lyrics written down there, Hayley. Let me guess, more about how much you hate the world and everyone in this studio?" Josh finally broke the tension of silence.

"Nope." Was Hayley's curt reply.

"Just let her be Josh." Taylor snapped.

"Why can't you just be nice and interested in what I'm working on like I was with you this morning?" Hayley asked, not angry, but desperate for a change.

"Because I don't care." Josh scoffed.

Jeremy spoke up this time, even though Hayley had pissed him off today too.

"Next time you purposefully start shit with Hayley, I'm opening up the biggest can of whoop ass you'll ever see, got it? Now let's all just get back to work."

Hayley sheepishly mouthed a thank you, and a sorry to Jeremy, and he nodded back with a small smile, sending a wave of relief through her. Tensions were high, that was all.

Another half hour passed.

Taylor slowly made his way over to Hayley, and sat cross-legged beside her.

"Would it be okay if I take a look?" He asked quietly.

He startled her, and after a second or two, she hesitantly handed him the notebook.

At the top of the page sat the title, scribbled and angrily reading the word Ignorance.

Taylor scanned the words, they were really good lyrics. He knew who they were about and he tried his best not to look smug.

"I like them. Very straightforward..." Taylor remarked as he finished.

"Thanks...." Hayley's voice was almost a whisper.

"You know Hayley, I'm... I'm always here for you. I'm always your friend." He slowly placed his hand on her leg.

Hayley immediately put her hand on top of his.

"You don't know how much that means to me, Taylor." Hayley sighed.

Taylor smiled.

Hayley felt her breath catch as she noticed how his dark brown eyes sparkled when he smiled. He was being genuine.

Hayley just had to smile back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2012 ⏰

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