25 Days til Cristmas

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I guess you could say things were going pretty well...

"You're mom's going to kill us," I speak as I stared at the once white ceiling which now is painted with brown splotches of Cherry Cola. "I'm so sorry... I didn't know that this would happen."

"Maybe we can clean it up quick before she finds out," Claire suggested as she climbed up on top of the marble countertop. "Grab some paper towel."

I opened up the cabinet next to the sink, to search for the paper towel until I found some.

I know where everything is at Claire's house. After all, we've been friends since the first grade. I remember little me with my curly hair flying around my face as I waited for the bus. I had just moved into a new town where I knew nobody. Then a girl with really short red hair ran into me as she rushed to the bus stop. I learned that she lived next to me. The rest is history.

"Should I wet some of it?" I asked, bent over.

"No!" she whispered-yelled. "Just give me the dang towel, woman!"

I quickly fumbled the paper towel as I tried to hand it to her, only to have it fall to the ground and unravel itself across the floor.

"What on earth is going on here?" a voice called. Oops! Claire's mom is home. "Claire..., Phoebe, I expect this to be cleaned up by three o'clock so the I can start dinner."

"What's for dinner?" Claire asked as she climbed down from the countertop.

"Well..., I am making a turkey because Derrick is coming home to finish his senior year!'' she smiled. Claire's face showed mixed emotions.

Derrick is Claire's older brother by two years. For the past three years he has been away at a special boarding school. I don't really remember much about him besides the fact that he made some really bad decisions. He mixed with the wrong crowd and was rumored to be linked to a murder case. Everybody knows who Derrick Larson is. A murder in a town as small as this is the crime of the century.

"Phoebe?" Mrs. Larson asked. "Would you like me to set the table for five?"

"That would be great!" I replied as she left the room.

To this day I have never turned down one of her home cooked meals. They are much better than the bowls of instant mac n' cheese at my house.

I am the only child and my parents both are workaholics, so I have learned to fend for myself. It's not like they ignore me. I know they love me, but I also know they both love their jobs. My dad works with the Red Cross Disaster Relief program, so he travels a lot. My mom is a doctor. She works nights at the ER. They both have the passion to help people, and I love that about them!

Claire shook the stunned expression off her face and turned her attention to me.

"Why don't you go home while I clean this mess up?" she suggested, bending down to pick up the toweling.

"No, absolutely not!" I spoke. "What kind of best friend would I be? We both made the mess, so we can both clean it up!"

"No," she mumbled. "I just need some time alone to... think about, about things." The mood instantly turned somber as Derrick was implied back into the conversation.

"Okay," I began. "But if you need anything text me, or just come over."

I gave her a quick hug before leaving the house.

Later that day

"Hey, Claire," I sang as I opened the front door. Honestly, I'm at her house more than my own. "I'm here!"

Phoebe Calaway's Countdown to ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now