I Am Human Just Like You.

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After a very eventful night of me explaining everything to Jay. The bullying, the near suicide, my parents and that if it wasnt for him I would be dead.

It took nearly 2 hours for me to explain every single bit trying to not miss out anything. By this time we were both drained and didnt have much of an appetite. I made up a make shift "bed" on the floor in my bedroom. Jay insisted on being in the same room aswell as the same house because he wanted to make I would be okay. 

As soon as my head rested onto the pillow i fell asleep instintly. I decided that i shouldnt care anymore and that i need to forget about it just now and have a good night sleep.

An amazing sleep and a delicious breakfast thanks to Jay (Pancakes and toffee sauce Yum!) I changed into some more presentable clothes. Things were looking brighter. 

We had both agreed it would be good to tell someone but firstly i need to deal with it myself. I needed to stick up for myself as I am a human just like Them and They can't stop me from being happy with myself.

Just to clarify it was the weekend and as my parents have no interest of being my parents Jay stayed over the whole weekend and helped me feel more comfortable with myself.

At the end of Sunday Jay went home as he hadn't had any school clothes with him but he would be back for me in the morning to walk to school.

Monday morning came and we walked to school together. As we approached the school entrance I started to feel like I could have thrown up very easily but i didn't so i walked in puke free for now and went to my locker. I had the totally unsuspected surprise, that was Taylor and two of her little pets greet me with a sneer and Jay got a giggle off of them. Taylor glided up to me with her two "friends" following. She stopped right up on front of me and gave Jay a quick smile. She sneered at me again then faced Jay again

"I have not me single clue why you hang around with her" she said while pointing at me like I was some slimy creature

"Well Taylor unlike you she has a great personality compared to you who is just a pretty face with no personality and your not even that pretty." Jay replied sarcasticly.

At that respond Taylor gasped and turned towards me at the same the time she grabbed my shirt and pulled me close vigourosly

"you slimy little cow doesnt desirve any of this you are nothing and I am everything compared to you, you should be dead by now and i can't believe you haven't killed yourself by now. I hate you and you have not one ounce of guts to say anything back because you are just a weak little mouse who can do nothing to help herself. Now why don't you do us all a favour and go die."

What happened after may be a miracle but i talked back to her. Taylor had let go and started walking away when something came over me.

"You know what. I have always hated you. Everyday of my life you have made a living hell from the first time I stepped into this building and I honestly can't take anymore.  You may take that as a victory but i won't let you. I am absoloutly fed up of letting you take the glory and i am fed up of giving it to you. The only reason why you are so highly of yourself is because no one has had the guts to say something back to you. Well I am know." I took one big breath and said "this is over right now."

Taylor had a look on her face that i had never ever seen. No on had but there was a first time for everything. She looked half between scared and humiliated. I was the first person to actually say how I felt to the bully and it had worked. After releasing those feelings I felt lighter. As if something that was dragging me down all this time had finally lifted from me. I had gained hope. More hope than I ever thought I had.

I still was in shock and a silence came then went away again in an instant. What i hadn't realised was during my little manifesto we had gathered a little bit of an audience. They all now were whispering to each other about what just happened. I turned to see if Jay was still behind me and he was. He was smiling ear to ear and started to clap,  the audience decided to join in wth the applause as well. This gathered a few teachers who look bewildered and confused about the situation.

I gave Jay a quick peck on the cheek and said to him "Thank you." His cheeks blushed slightly and he asked "for what?"

"Everything" I replied

I walked up to one of the teachers and said that i needed to speak to the head teacher about an urgent matter. After saying that it did sound very unlike me. But i didn't know what the real me was like. I just had to go along with what i was doing.

I arrived at the head teachers office and explained everything that had happened. I explained about Taylor and bullying that had felt like it would never stop. I explained about my suicice attempt and i explained about Jay. He listened to every single word and I hoped that he was taking every single word in. When i finished he was still listening to me. He looked at me and sighed

"Well then Live, I think you have very brave but you really should have told us many, many years ago but the good thing is you are here now." Both of us stood up and started walking t the door " Tomorrow I will be talking to Taylor Pantry about her behaviour and lack of human indesense but just now you and Jay can go home."

After that one conversation my whole life changed. Jay asked me out on a date and now we are in a relationship. I have started to work extremely hard on exams as through all that time I had falling behind on my school work. The next day the school had a new anti bullying policy that said that if anyone has been, seen or is being bullied you have to tell an adult as soon as possible and if you see bullying happening and you don't do anything you will also treated the same as the bully.

Taylor now has lost all her street gred and has been excluded for 2 weeks also she had to write and official apology to everyone she has hurt especially me and she was made to read out onfront of the whole entire school.

From now on I don't know what will happen to me. I don't know what will happen to every else to you have slightly met. But what i do know is that i am never going to ever feel that way every again.




Hello everyone,

May I just say a hugggeee thank you to everyone who has read this short story. Thank you for the 3 votes (fingers crosses that is just the beginning). Yes this is the end of this story but i shall be working on something new soon and I may try to write something christmasy for you all to enjoy over this festive. Just now I do have a lovely cold but i really wanted to finish this short book for you all.

This has personally been a little project to see I would actually be able to finish a story which I am pretty happy about. I didn't realise that it would get this amount of reads and honestly I was jumping for joy at the first read.

Thank you again I hopefully will see you all very soon.

But for just now Merry Christmas and bye for now


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