Warmness On The Soul

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The sound of the Silversong river babbled over rocks as it slowly flowed down its road. The water was crystal clear, and little fresh water fish were swimming in the gentle current. Birds flew overhead, chirping and singing to one another, their tones happy and carefree. They didn't stop their enchanting songs, even when they heard the sound of horse hooves walking along the stone path.

A girl in green Druid clothing was riding along the Silversong path on a brown and white Irish Cob. "You ok up there, Luna?" Asked the horse, looking up at the pale skinned girl, whom had baby blue eyes, dark hair and a pierced lip. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine, Thunder. Been a busy morning reading the Valedale and Firgrove runestones. I better check on Fripp, the medicine I brewed hasn't had any effect, he might not recover." She sighed, her Canadian accented voice sighed. Thunder moved into a trot, as they neared Valedale.

Linda sat at the Grey Monk with a blonde haired girl, who was the Fifth Soul Rider. "Hey Linda, hey Steph!" Luna called, as she stopped at the stables. They smiled and walked over to her. "How did it go?" Steph asked, as she began helping untack Thunderbolt. "Let's just say the stone near that old house, you know where that nice German family live, didn't want to cooperate." Luna laughed. Steph chuckled. "So, did you get Concorde?" Linda nodded, but her face was grim. "Turns out the ringmaster is Pandorian." Informed the Moon Warrior. Pandorian? This, Luna had to see.

Steph and Luna were cousins on their father's side of the family, and were rather close. Luna's home sat on a hill just above her cousin's. They walked to the cottage, Linda had to get home, while talking. "So, what's this I hear about you and the dude from Dark Core?" Luna asked, as she got her house key from her trouser pocket. This caused her cousin to turn cherry red, and stumble over her words. To try and avoid the subject, she left. Luna just laughed.

Her house was organised chaos, books, maps, ink and quills littered every surface. At least the floor had been given the privilege to be clean. Luna dove into a locked cupboard where she kept her secret items, ones she didn't want anyone knowing about. She retrieved a tarot deck, then closed and locked the cupboard again. "Perhaps if I see what my cards say. I'll go by the bridge in Nilmers I think." Luna said to herself.

She didn't take Thunderbolt, as he deserved a rest, but the walk was nice. Her druid boots were perfect for long walks, and she decided to drop by Moorland, to see Maya and Justin. She hadn't seen them in a while, and they both understood, it being Druid business and all. When she got there, she had totally forgotten it was the summer riding camp.

Girls and boys were everywhere, but Luna spotted this one boy, around ten or twelve, who was frightened to get up on a friendly palomino Tinker. "Hey there, what's your name?" Luna smiled. The brown haired boy looked at her. "M-Martin." He stuttered. Luna gently patted the horse's velvet nose. "Careful! It'll bite!" Martin said. Luna chuckled, and offered her hand to the boy. He took it, and she placed it on the horse's nose. The Irish Cob nuzzled into his palm, and closed it's eyes. Martin smiled, and began to slowly stroke the forehead. "I'm sorry I was scared of you Skye." He muttered. He turned to Luna with a big smile on his face. "Can you help me get on her? The lesson starts soon. Mr Moorland's son is taking it. He picked out our horses." Said Martin, proudly. After giving him a leg up, Luna waved to him, a stable hand lead him to the paddock.

"Wow, you're good with kids." Said Maya, as she walked up to Luna's side. "Thanks." Luna replied. "Hey, a black North Swedish horse has made its way down to our dock... Again. Can you take it back to the circus? It's on the field on Nilmers. Can't miss it really." Maya sighed. Luna nodded, and went horse hunting.

The docks were easily located, and she saw the horse standing there. "Causing trouble again, Zee?" Luna giggled. Zee lifted her head and whinnied, trotting over to Luna. "Come on, take me to your home. It's about time I met this master of yours." Luna had met Zee before when she was with her cousin, but it was brief, as she was helping said cousin wrangle the troublemaker up before heading into Epona to meet up with Evergray, her father.

Zee didn't budge. "Come on Zee." Luna whined. Zee shook her head, then pointed to her back with her snout. "You want me to get on?" The Star druid asked. Zee nodded her head enthusiastically. Sighing, Luna went over, and hoisted herself up onto Zee's back. It was only then, did she move.

On the ride, Luna looked down at her deck. The cards seemed to be humming in anticipation, wanting to deliver a message to someone. Looking up with her purple eyes, Zee seemed to be asking what was wrong. "I dunno, the cards are acting crazy today. Does your owner have a table or anything I can use?" She asked the horse. Zee snorted in response. Well that was helpful... Not.

Turning into the field, Luna looked up at the huge purple tent. There was a smaller one too, with a fortune tellers sign, a purple wagon, and cages littered everywhere. "Huh, so this is where you live." Luna muttered, sliding off Zee and walking around. "Circus dude? I've brought Zee home." Luna called. She was clutching her cards to her chest, which were now screaming at her. Suddenly, she felt Zee gently pushing her to the entrance of the big top, and she sighed. "Ok ok, I'm going." She laughed.

Entering the tent, she spotted a rather handsome looking man, who seemed to be dressed in a Victorian style ringmasters get up. His hair was black, and slicked back, and covered by a black top hat. His skin was pale, and he had mismatched eyes. "Ah, so my dear Zee found you." The man smiled. "Err, ok weird dude, who, in the name of Aideen, are you?" Luna asked, lightly gripping her cards harder. "Forgive me, mon chérie. I am the amazing Ydris." He said, with such ego and pride, Luna had to snort back a laugh. It failed, and soon she was on the floor in stitches.

"Aww man, that's the funniest thing I've heard, since Alex told me Uncle Avalon had set his robes on fire." She chuckled, wiping a tear away. Ydris didn't seem to pleased at her outburst, and judging by her clothing, she was one of those hideous Druids. "I see you are a druid, little flea." He spat. Luna calmed down, and glared at him. "Yeah. And? You got a problem with that, asshole?" Luna snapped. He clocked onto her cards and gave a slight smile. "A Druid with the talent to read the cards. Interesting. Let's see if you have what it takes to actually read them accurately." Ydris smirked.

Challenge accepted! "Ok, Mr I'm-Better-Than-Everyone-Else, let's go in that little tent of yours." The Druid said. She began walking out, and Ydris had to admit this flea had the heart of a lion. He followed her with interest. There was something different about this girl. Druid or not, he was intreaqued to find out more.

Luna sat down, and shuffled her deck. Fanning them out on the table she asked Ydris to pick three. "This is going to be fun." He smirked. "No tricks, circus clown." Luna sighed. Ydris had mock hurt on his face, which made Luna roll her eyes. After setting the cards down she flipped over the Devil card. It was reversed, meaning he was reclaiming his power. "After your little scuffle with the Soul Riders, it seems you're slowly regaining power. Let's see what your present and future says." Turning over the middle card, it was the seven of cups. Dreams. How ironic. "Well this one is obvious. You have a dream of course, bringing this world down, so Pandoria can live. I understand this, but there has to be a way to save both." Luna said, looking up at him. "I don't think so, mon chérie." Ydris monotonely said. The last card was the Lovers. "Well... A friendship may turn into a relationship. Who's the lucky girl?" Luna smirked. Ydris sat back, not answering, and keeping a straight face.

The day seemed to get away from them. Ydris wasn't that bad. A few girls came over for readings, and Ydris persuaded them to get readings from Luna. The girls came out shocked when Luna had finished their readings. She spoke to Ydris for a while, getting to know him, and telling him a bit about herself. It was getting dark, as the crickets began chirping and the stars began to wake up in the inky sky. "I have to go." Luna informed. Ydris slightly looked disappointed. "Will you come back tomorrow? I enjoyed meeting you, and I'd like to know you better." The ringmaster said. Luna was unsure, but skipping out on druid duties for one day wouldn't hurt. "Sure I'll come. This is more fun than druid work anyway." Ydris took her right hand in his gloved one, and kissed her knuckles. "Until tomorrow." He smiled. With that, Luna left to head home, cutting through the way past Silverglade castle.

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