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There are a few ideas I have in mind message me if your interested or message me with your own. I only ask that you give effort and don't make me come up with all the plots to the roleplay and that you play other characters it doesn't have to be a lot but plz don't leave me to play all the other characters to keep the plot going we can share characters to and if you have an idea for my character for a plot then plz do let me know.

You are a graduate of VILE can be your own character or canon character and during a mission, my oc accidentally gets involved what do you do, do you tell the faculty or deal with it by yourself do you tell your teamates

Your a Vile tranie as am I and basically it's just us getting through the school year

You play  Coach Brunt you miss having a kid on the island (Black Sheep) so you decide to bring one to the island (me) let the mayhem ensue we  can choose an age together

Your Carmen and during one of your plans to stop VILE a kid  (me)around 14 or 15 though happy to do 7 which could be fun, age can be discussed accidentally gets involved and wants to join you

My character's name will be Katie if a code name  Runner she has long black hair and blue eyes. We can learn about each others oc's if there are in the roleplay 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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