Is it gonna be a rap or a poem I don't know
Do I actually have to write something or
I could just start studying
Em waves? But I can't just go on
Ignoring it. And I do have some confused Vibes
Hitting My emotional self that
I just can't be sure of what i am feeling.
I definitely don't wanna go through lamentation
But this situation is hell of a confusion
And I can't show myself the way of dealing with it
Do I even have to deal with it??
Deal With what?? Huh??
I have got nothing to deal with
Guess I'm way too much thinking
or just not thinking at
All, then why am I feeling sad?
Already said I don't know. But let's just try to.Why am I even writing all this to
Just cut it all down then
Chew This page and
Pass over I thing I am not even going through?Am I?
Still have some moisture in my
Not feeling just to cry
Out loud but damn! This feeling is Kinda shy
And more shitty
So it's better if it stays inside and die.Well...
Well actually, F this society
It can force you to commit a crime( as suicide)
It just won't let you live( but you have to try)It could be anyone, just know it.
It could be a friend who pretended to care,
Or Just a person, who doesn't give a shit
About you. Or it could be a neighbour or relative whom your family respect( but who in actual is a prick)
It could even be your family who thinks that
Your dreams are way to extra
For Society to permit.
Well sometimes, they are wrong
And othertimes, they are not
And that's where life happens and you gotta take your shot.A girl could get beaten up on a busy road
By her fiancè.
She doesn't even utter
To ask For help as it was their personal matter
as the fiance said.
The boy kept beating.
She kept weeping and people went on creeping.
But, she didn't asked for help
As she knew what else
It might lead to.
She knew that the society she lives in
Is free to help but what after??
She might already knew that our society is a
Vigorous reaction which react for a second
And the byproduct are just laughter.
Well maybe if she did ask for help,
Someone wouldn't have just pretended but actually helped her.
Well maybe, someone Already tried helping her and
She was better but
Then people happened
And there goes again the old chapter.
Maybe she didn't have to bear all this alone
Maybe she wasn't week on a her own.
Maybe she was afraid of that very thought of what comes after?
As she might have seen
Or shown
Many examples of the Beings being
thrown from the hill made by the dreams of their own.But maybe just maybe before giving up trying
She could've tried One Last Time.
To live her life as she wanted; and putting the society aside.
Maybe that try could have been the key to a life she deserved.
Everyone has their own definition of being free
But they must know the free's they have on the table as an option
As it's better to be free then to flee from
This world which isn't less than an auction.Everyone has their own journey
Am Not the one to judge but this
Society is already fudged and it is
Like Standing on the peak of your dreams and then people happens and
YOU HAVE BEEN NUDGED.We'd be fool if we try to change
The society, as it can't be changed.
But we can set example for others to
Dare to change their
Life if they don't like it
They don't have to be supressed
Their feelings should not be compressed
But to try making a society
In which they can dare to express
Without Being afraid of people's reaction
Might just be another jest.
Will it?