New feelings-

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Jeffs POV-

I walked through the woods messing with my knife like always. 'So bored' I thought. I ended up heading back as my legs got tired. I walked through the door to see Laughing Jack sat on the couch sucking on a lolly, I walked over as he smirked. "Hey Jeffery" LJ said I frowned and told him to fuck off. I don't know why I was just in a bad mood, he frowned back and asked "what's wrong" i shrugged my shoulders and walked up to my room. I picked up a white shirt and some grey shorts. I changed and heard a knock on the door "come in" I said, I noticed it was the tall faceless slenderman. "Jeff I need to speak to u about ur swearing" "motherfucker there's nothing wrong with swearing" I could see if slender had a mouth he would be smirking "swear and I punish u" he said. I blushed and told him I won't. He walked out and I fell on my bed blushing like mad. 'What's this feeling' I thought. "Ugh I'll think about it tomorrow" I mumbles to my self then drifted off to a deep sleep

First chapter I hope u enjoyed it gets a lot more interesting in the next chapter next chapter will be up soon.

Jeff  the killer x slenderman Where stories live. Discover now