The Begining

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Bright light that's all I could see for miles, I wasn't used to the light I was used to the darkness of the ash stained sky when it was visible. Other than barely ever seeing the sky I was used to the darkness of the canopy of genetically enhanced trees.

Now I didn't know what to think, what I assumed was the sky was now blue and bright like the stories that the elders told of the old world. Their was a bright ball of light that sat in the sky that I foolishly looked at for too long. 

My eyes were stinging, I thought I was going blind.

My vision came back to me after a few seconds of keeping my eyes closed before I tried to look at the world around me. "Wow." Was the first words to slip past my lips. I was surrounded by what I assumed where tall sky scrapers each one reaching farther in the sky than the other.

Massive  dark wood trees had grown. Some of the trees had grown  into the buildings and others had pushed them over. It was natures way of taking back over what was once a beautiful forest.

"I'm like the size of an old world ant." Mumbling to myself as I trudged head to shelter from the burning sun. I tried to tame my dirty red hair that had been sticking to my sweaty face.

I couldn't remember anything. Well that was slightly dramatic I could remember my name, Nix and I could remember my tribe. I knew who I was, but I couldn't remember specific people or why I had waken up dirty and exposed to the blazing sun.

As I trudged up to the first building I could tell it wasn't a safe place to seek shelter. It's crumbling walls and sagging roof didn't look inviting. The ancient city was quiet almost to quiet and inviting, as I got deeper into the city to look for a good place to seek shelter I heard whispering.

"Hello? Anyone their?" My voice echoing off of the metal buildings. The faint sound of chatter reached my ears, "Come on Ly at least let me have a taste of my own prey!"

The voice was aggravated but held a slight hiss to it. As I peered into a dark alley in between two crumbling buildings I felt a presence, a pair of eyes burning through my back.

I didn't have time to turn around before a force sent me crashing into the side of a building. Something smooth curled around my leg before lifting me up. "Your going to taste good little one, I never thought meet a human again let alone have one for a meal." My vision blurred.

The creature was now dangling me upside down a few feet from the ground. As my vision cleared a large amber eyed beast covered in green scales meet my gaze. "What are you?!?"

It's scale covered face smirked in a human like grin. "I am Ly, the old world my kind would be called snakes but we have evolved an now are the superior ones." Her pink split tongue could be seen as she talked and her two large venomous fangs taunted me with a foreseen promise.

"Ly!" A whinny voice cried out. "I told you it was my prey, I found it first." I couldn't see the thing that was talking to the evolved garden snake I was to afraid to move as I was frozen in fear.

"National! Not in front of the prey!" Ly whined back. "I'm trying to strike fear into its heart before I eat it."

"Well I'm trying to prove a point so stop playing with your food." Ly slung me down with unnecessary force before lunging at National.

I landed with a thud pain blooming along my back , I gasped for air as my vision became blurry. I grabbed my head in pain, when I released my head I could see blood on my hand.

I crawled away as the two twin snakes fought each other to busy with each other to notice my absence. I managed to prop myself up against the side of a building far enough away to avoid being seen, but not far enough out of hearing range. My breath was ragged and it hurt to breath, something was definitely wrong with my body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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