Chapter One

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Ramin's POV

I roll my eyes as I hear my phone "ding" once again. I had been included in a cast group text, and though I love my co-stars, it is starting to get annoying. Just a few minutes ago they were having a discussion about how I'm a sexy "Pig-pen" from the Peanut's comics. As expected, this conversation was started by my best friend and worst enemy, Andrew Kober, who was also careful to send a collage of a shirtless picture of me beside a much more child-friendly cartoon of Pig-pen. That conversation was unbearably uncomfortable. I'll have to have a private talk with Andrew later on.

I'm pulled out of my reverie when my phone dings a second time, reminding me that I have a message just begging to be read. I walk over to my desk where my phone is charging, and press the home button. I smile with surprise as a name which I've grown to love pops up on the screen: Sierra Boggess. Sierra had been my co-star in both the 25th Anniversary celebration of Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies, and is currently performing the role of Christine in the Broadway production of Phantom of the Opera.

"Hey Rahmen, do you have time to hang out tonight?" I read.

"Yep! What time?" I reply.

I go back to doing what I was doing before, which happened to be sitting on my bed with my laptop, stalking my fans' comments on my Instagram photos. I hear a "ding" yet again, and I quickly run to my desk and turn my phone on, only to be disappointed when I find it's Andrew Kober sharing an embarrassing story of mine which I didn't give him permission to share with the whole cast. Then I remember the perk of Apple's latest software update and hastily turn on the "Do Not Disturb" setting for the conversation. I sigh with relief as I'm left in peace to go back to stalking my uncomfortably obsessive and creepy fans.





I read these comments with 90% amusement and 10% apprehension. I decide to look at the comments on Mandy's account, as she posts more, shall I say, romantic pictures of us. I click on a random picture of us kissing, and start skimming through some of the comments. I grunt with consternation as I see a very inappropriate comment.

"#rierra forever! Ramin should divorce Mandy and marry Sierra! They would be amazing together and their babies would be beautiful musical geniuses!"

The nerve! Does this person have any concept of vows, covenants, or even love? Just because Sierra and I get along extremely well and have great chemistry doesn't mean that suddenly Mandy becomes dirt to me. For heaven's sake, we have two beautiful sons! Ah. Jaiden and Hadley. I sigh as I think of their little smiling faces and adorable giggles. I frown as I think that just a few days ago I was hearing the pitter patter of their feet as they played tag in my apartment. How I miss them when they are gone. Well of course I miss Mandy too. Thinking of her brings me back to the disturbing comment. Sierra and I should never have invented Rierra, I think to myself.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. "Murder in the City" by my favorite bluegrass band, "The Avett Brothers," blares through my apartment. I rush to my desk and without looking at the Caller ID, answer the call.


"Hey Ramen!"

This is definitely Sierra.

"Hey Surrah!" I reply, mangling her name like she did mine.

"So what time do you want to meet up?" She asks, giggling slightly.

"How about 6:30 so we can get some dinner too!" I say happily.

"Sounds great! See you then!"

"See ya! Bye," I say, after which she says her farewells and hangs up.

I start thinking about what I'm going to wear, as I'm into fashion and like to dress up(like a man), and I'm definitely not going in the sweatshirt and ratty jeans I'm currently wearing. It all depends on where we are going, and I don't want to make Sierra feel bad if I'm formal and she isn't. It probably would have been helpful if we had decided where we wanted to go during our phone call. This isn't a date or anything, so I feel at ease to shoot her a text asking if she has an idea for where to go.

"Let's just hang out at your apartment and make some Ramen noodles," she quickly replies.

"Um no. I mean like an actual restaurant with nice food," I say with fake frustration, knowing she'll understand that I'm joking around with her.

"Okay fine, Rahmen. How about Virgil's BBQ?"

"Sounds great! See you later " I say, ending the conversation.

Knowing where we were going made it much easier to find an outfit, and I quickly settled on a nicer pair of jeans, a red dress shirt and a lightweight, black blazer, complete with a pair of combat boots. I've been getting into the formal-yet-edgy look lately. I take a quick shower and try to tame my unruly hair, and finally get into my recently picked outfit. By now it's already 6:15. I plop down on the couch and start scrolling through more fan comments, hoping I don't run into more inappropriate ones. Before I know it the doorbell rings, and I hop up and run to the door.

"HEYYYY!!!!!" Sierra squeals as soon as I open it.

"Namasté!" I reply, clasping my hands together and making a slight bow, somehow banging my head into the doorframe. Ouch.

Sierra looks amusedly at me, with a smirk plastered on her face. I decide to bow again, hoping to do it right this time. But it turns out that Sierra decides to bow back, which results in us bumping heads.

"Ow," we say in unison, rubbing our heads.

"Ok we should probably go now," I say, laughing slightly, as I grab my wallet and car keys.

We walk down the hallway and come to the elevator, which happen to be next to the stairwell. Sierra shoots me an evil grin.

"Race you!" she shouts as she starts running down the stairs.

As I'm contemplating whether to follow her, the elevator arrives and I jump in. I know that Sierra is pretty fit, and that she would probably beat me since my apartment is only on the third floor. Suddenly I have an idea. As the elevator comes to a halt I rush to the side and push myself as tightly against the wall as I can, concealing myself from view. The elevator doors open, and I chuckle silently to myself when I hear Sierra humph with confusion.

I wait a few seconds and jump out and yell, "Boo!"

Sierra shrieks and to my horror looks like she's about to cry, but then starts laughing uncontrollably which makes me feel better. I glance over to the front desk where the chronically grumpy old lady is giving us a death stare.

"We better go," I say between laughs, and we rush out the door.

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