chapter one

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{ honestly, this was simple created to beat writers block, but now i'm invested. enjoy }

I spent extra time at the Planet Fitness in Quantico, Virginia getting ready that morning. Although the place was not ideal, it was a whole lot better than getting ready at the truck stops. Those were always unfriendly. I carefully cupped the curl that fell off the hot curling iron, the hot hair slightly burning the skin of my palm.

Today was the day. A day that I had been looking forward to since I turned 17. Today was the first day working at the BAU, the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. I had been training for the past few months after being hired in July. I had worked my ass off for years to get to this point, and I finally made it.

After one last look in the mirror, I packed up my things and headed out to headquarters. I had been there many times before for training, but never to walk through the doors are a part of Special Agent Aaron Hotchners team. I was going to be working as something I loved.

The drive to headquarters was quick thanks to the coffee I drank making me antsy. I parked my van after getting through the secrue gates in a place they had directed me to. I got out and quickly threw my bag on and scurried through the front doors. I told the lady at the front desk my name. She typed it quickly into the computer.

"Audrey Dupont. I have a meeting with Agent Hotcher," I smiled at the woman as she nodded wisely. Then, she looked up. Genuine suprise and shock graced her features, and her eyes searched my face.

"You're the new hire? You're so--"

"--Young?" I offered. She nodded quickly.

"You probably get that often, and I can see why!" She laughed and shook her head, a small way to brush off her own foolishness. I did get that often, actually. Almost 7 years in the feild, and I havent aged past the age of 19, some say.

"I do get that often, but its really quite a compliment."

"Yes, yes it is. Hotchner is ready to see you now. Do you know the way from here?" She asked me. I looked around. To the left of me was a hallway that led to a series of elevators, to my right was the way out. Behind me was a waiting area. I laughed a little bit.

"I actually don't remember the way up. I only went there once." The doors to my right opened after the buzz of a lock opening rang out. I didnt turn to see who it was, as I was more focused on the girl in front of me.

"Perfect! Reid!" She called out to someone behind me. I turned and saw a man I assumed was Reid, pause. He was wearing a plain button down shirt under a brown sweatervest and simple slacks. He looked young. Maybe he was an Intern?

"Yes, Kira?" He asked, looking between me and Kira, the lady at the desk. I noticed he was sporting a bag that was much like mine. I couldnt help but smile in the slightest.

"This is Audrey Dupont. She has a meeting with Hotchner. Can you--"

"Show her the way? Of course. Follow me." He turned and began to walk to the middle of the three evelators. I said a quick thank you to Kira and followed Reid down the nice hallway. He pulled out a badge and scanned it quickly, then pressed the button bearing the arrow pointing upward. The bell dinged and the doors opened. We stepped inside.

"Do you drive the orange van outside?" Reid asked as the doors closed. I nodded. He looked at me quickly, turning his whole body towards me. I watched him out of the corner of my eye before turning to him too. Mirroring someone's actions is a surefire way to get someone to warm up to you quicker.

"Im Audrey, Audrey Dupont. I-I know she just introduced me, but I- sorry." I felt nervous, and when I felt nervous I had a bad habit of rambling quickly. My face grew hot, so I let my hair fall in my face a little bit to cover my reddening cheeks.

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