Author's Introduction

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Hey guys it's The AI Writer again. Let me start by saying I don't own any of these character and that the rights belong to their respected owners. I'll make this quick as I really want to get back to writing Crisis on Earth X (Volume 2). 

Crisis on Infinite Earths has just ended a couple of weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. I loved all the cameos, the action, the way things seemed so comic booky.

I really enjoyed the Ezra Miller cameo, but sadly it got spoiled for me a couple of hours before I watched the fourth part and that really bummed me out because it took something away from the reveal. It was still shocking to see a main DCEU character meet an Arrowverse character, but when I looked on YouTube and I saw all those reaction videos to the cameo, it really made me sad because I wanted to experience that same sense of my mind getting blown. 

Aside from that I loved everything else. My most favorite cameo would easily have to be Tom Ellis's Lucifer cameo. That thing was so crazy! What I loved most about this was how they made it so that Lucifer already knew about the multiverse, the fact that Lucifer's choice of Earths was Earth - 666, and just how natural it all felt. Lucifer's cameo felt so right, it didn't seem forced, it honestly made me feel like he actually belonged there. Having John Constantine know the devil was the best way to breach the two shows, and they couldn't have done this any better. 

Fun fact, I started watching Lucifer because I saw him on Crisis, isn't that funny. Really bummed that I already finished watching all four seasons and that this May will be the final season.

I thought that the whole way the Anti-Monitor grew in size at the end was kind of weird, but once I saw it a second time it wasn't so bad, and I feel like it served a great introduction to the Justice League. 

By the way, I love that the Justice League is finally a thing, and how Oliver's Death served as a spark to it. 

Also Martian Manhunter is my favorite superhero (in case anyone is interested) and I love that he has a spot on the Justice League.

Anything else, let me think... Hum... Oh yeah! Not enough Kara and Barry! 

I know the CW, they are never going to make Kara and Barry an item, not even in a different universe version, but I still expected Kara and Barry to have at least one nice conversation. The scene where Supergirl and The Flash meet and realize they are on the same Earth was cool and everything, but that was way to short and it was the only conversation they had.

Five hours and they couldn't let them have a nice minute to two minutes conversation, preferably about Oliver and how they are going to miss him. They were part of the Trinity for crying out loud, they should have had a special bonding moment together. I wasn't expecting them to kiss or do anything like that. I just wanted something like this...

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