a u t h o r - c h a n

411 10 5

[fourth wall breakers]

kunimi:how the hell is it 69:69

a u t h o r c h a n s w i s h e s


kunimi:you break the fourth wall too?

akaashi:no i want to do it tho

yahaba:it's for fan service do it- jk

akaashi:hi r e a d e r s

akaashi:akaashi keiji here with and important announcement

akaashi:a u t h o r c h a n needs ideas

akaashi:she wants to know who to put in a group chat next

akaashi:besides shirabu,goshiki,kunimi and yahaba

akaashi:no offense of course

akaashi:please state the characters and what the plot is :)

akaashi:bye bye have a nice day,or night



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