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Here are the rules. Follow them, and we can have a good time.


1. No cursing/inappropriate content

2.No godmodding/powerplay

3.Your form must be approved before roleplaying

4.No loopholes

5. You have to be your own oc (For example, you can't be FireStar)

6.Your character must have some flaws

7.More rules to come

And here is the form--












Here's an example:

Name: OwlChaser

Rank: Deputy

Clan: Shadowclan

Age: 30 moons

Gender: Male

Description: Gray tabby tom with blue eyes

Kin: FrogLeap, CedarTail and GrassPelt

Personality: Solemn, Serious, Quiet, Snappy

Strengths: Smart and strategic

Weaknesses: Dismissive and snappy

Backstory: OwlChaser was born OwlKit to a queen named IvyTalon. IvyTalon never told Owl who his father was, though he heard talk of a rogue that looked alot like him. This made Owl angry, and he was determined to prove to his clan that he was no half-breed. As OwlKit grew into OwlPaw, more and more cats began to distrust him. Finally, OwlPaw decided to leave Shadowclan and seek a place with his acclaimed father, who turned out to be a rogue named Ralsei. Ralsei and OwlPaw roamed together in the barn for a bit when Owl realized how important clan life was to him. When Owl returned, Ralsei grew angry at Shadowclan for stealing his son, so he lead a handful of rogues to steal OwlPaw back. OwlPaw realized that this was the time to prove his loyalty to ShadowClan, so he remorsefully killed Ralsei, sending the rogues scampering away. SplinterStar rewarded him with his warrior name, OwlChaser, but the weight of his father's death was never really taken off of Owl's shoulders.

BTW the backstory doesn't have to be that long....XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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