Summoning Jutsu

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          When Aichi woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he was in a room he didn't recognize. The room looked more like one you'd find in a hotel, aside from the large amount of space and the two sets of beds near the corner of the room, one set of bunk beds, and the regular bed he was on. Across from the bunk beds was a television. The second thing he noticed were the occupants of the bunk beds. In the bunk beds in front of him laid Misaki Tokura, one of Aichi's former teammates, on the top bunk. On the bottom bunk was Kourin Tatsunagi, a friend, pop idol, and former classmate.

          Before Aichi went to wake them up, he noticed a note next to the T.V.

Dear, guests.

          I realize waking up to find yourselves somewhere unfamiliar may be a bit distressing. But do not be alarmed, I will explain everything soon. For now though, I would like all of you to meet in the theater room. Once all of the guests are there, I will explain to you what is going on. On the back of this note is a map of the facility you find yourself in. Please use it to get there.

Sincerely, Your host.

          As he finished reading it, Misaki and Kourin woke up. Aichi explained the situation to them and they headed down to the theater room. Once there, they found most of their friends along with three people they didn't know.

Aichi: Kai! Kamui! Everyone! You're here to.

Kai: Yeah, I assume you woke up in a room as well.

Aichi: Yeah, Misaki and Kourin were there to.

          At the mention of that last name, a certain moron went ballistic.

Morikawa: WHAT!!! Aichi! don't tell me the two of you were sharing a room with each other!

          The three roommates in question immediately turned red from embarrassment.

Kourin/Misaki: *comically punching him* IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!

          As this was going on, I left my post to make myself a sandwich. When I returned, everyone had calmed down a bit and seemed to be waiting for something to happen. I decided that was my cue to enter, while still eating my sandwich.

Me: Hi there, my names Sam. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Kamui: Why are you eating a sandwich.

Me: I was hungry, and decided to make one while you all calmed down.

Kai: Are you the one who brought us here?

Me: Yep. I brought you here to watch and alternate universe.

Misaki: And you expect us to believe that.

Me: In your world, the planet cray is real, and is connected to earth through a card game that has the power to alter it's fate. Are you seriously talking to me about my claims being unbelievable?

Misaki: (shuts up).

Chrono: So, you said we'd be watching an alternate universe. What exactly are we watching.

Me: All of you of course. You are going to be watching a universe similar, but slightly different, from yours. They have vanguard in that world, but the rules, and cards themselves are slightly different. And the way things develop and progress is different as well. Some of your back stories are even different.

Ren: Ohhh? That sounds interesting.

Shion: What do you mean by the cards and rules being different.

Me: The cards have different effects, entire game mechanics, like limit breaks and legion, are removed in favor of different mechanics, and there are slight rule differences that slightly alter how the game works.

Miwa: Interesting, and you want us to watch it.

Me: Yep.

Aichi: Well, that sounds nice and all, but wont everyone else back home miss us.

Me: I got that covered, your consciousness has basically been split between yourselves here, and yourselves back home.

          I showed them a real time video on screen of themselves doing basic things.

Kamui: HOLD ON A SEC! Are you saying we've been replaced.

Me: No, of course not. Once we're done here, you'll al be reunited with your other halves. You will gain access to both halves memories when this happens and life will resume as normal. Of course, time also moves much faster here than out there, so you won't miss much.

Tetsu: How much faster are you talking about.

Me: One day out there is about 100 in here. Though considering Chrono and his friends are from a few years into your future, you'd basically have memories of two different timelines since the others being sent would cause things to change. But I digress, who wants to watch.

Aichi: Well, as long as nothing will change, from us not being present, then okay, it sounds fun.

          Everyone agreed.

Me: Great, now, about your seating arrangements.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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