Part 1

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“  wake up Danny we’re going to be late “ an angry girlish voice shouted, followed by a loud bang on the door, this was my alarm for today.


“ you have a really nice apartment”  she said after I opened the door and we both stepped in.

“ well thanks, I can show you around if you would love to” I said as I closed the door and  took a few steps forward from my date;  Erin.  She was wearing a damn hot black dress and everything about her was perfect, the really exact of what µI prefer and like and so far things were going so great; we had our fancy dinner and she agreed to come with me to my apartment, so I guess I am going to have some fun this night.

“ oh Danny please” she said somehow whining   as she stroked my hair “ the only place I care about is your bedroom” then she crashed her plump pink lips on mine and for a second I felt myself getting along with her and started realizing  how wonderful my night would be.

“ you’re so enthusiastic huh ? “ I said breaking the kiss, only for her to reconnect them again for a long one after nodding her head sharply, but this time neither of us was intending to break it, but both of us was forced to with the sound of the door being opened.

Automatically I was jerked away  and my eyes directly landed on the tall frame of a young girl standing or should  I say leaning at my door,  Amanda,  My teenager  sister, and she had her eyebrow raised up.

“ seriously? There’s a place reserved  for this kind of stuff and it’s called bedroom” she said as she walked off to the kitchen after she dropped her bag along with her shoes which she had taken off a few seconds ago, then she grabbed an apple and sat on the kitchen counter facing an annoyed me, and still taken aback with what was happening Erin.

“ who are you? Who is she Danny?” Erin managed to finally say after all.

“ who am I? I am his girlfriend babe, now who are YOU ?” Amanda said sarcastically, and Erin’s jaw dropped to the ground.

“ what the hell are you doing here Amanda ?” I said and annoyance and madness was clear in my voice.

“what? Can’t I visit my older brother in his sweet little apartment whenever I want? Or there’s précised times?” 

“ is she you’re sister ?” I can sense relief in her voice, and before I can make a move or say e something…..

“ yes I am his sister, and you miss, I advise you to walk out from that door now with what’s left from your  dignity before you’ll  be forced to exit it crying” she said with a smirk on her face, making Erin’s eyes grow wide open, and driving her angry of course after being totally confused.

“ excuse me ?”

“ are you deaf? You heard what I said right? Now do it.” With a cool and peaceful attitude she sat there like if there was nothing happening or came from her mouth, looking at her nails and feeling extra normal.

“ I see that you’re still here. Believe me I am doing you a big favor, did you really believe his sweet words?” she let out a small laugh along with a tiny smile “ he will break your heart after all, and you’re not the first my dear..” before she could finish, Erin shot me a sharp look and stormed off the door that was still opened, and of course slammed it closed right in my face after my silly attempt to reach for her or talk to her.

“are you happy now?” I said looking at her as that devilish smirk was playing on her lips, no answer.

“ you totally ruined my night”

“ you were going to screw her and screw things up after all, you should thank me I saved you some time and effort”

I did join her by sitting on the kitchen counter next to her.

“well at least, I would have benefited something if it was me who did it” I said and she immediately hit me so hardly on my shoulder, and walked  to the guests room and seconds later I heard the sound of water being turned on in the shower.

“now seriously why you are ?”

“ I told you, can’t a girl visit her older brother? Besides I missed you”

“that’s why I am asking you barely talk to me and now you suddenly want to see me, and guess what? you missed me?  That’s really strange. Oh did I skipped the part that you hate me?”

“ I don’t hate you, you’re the one who hates me, besides you keep saying that I am just a silly teenager who doesn’t understand anything”

“ well, that’s right and you can’t hate me cause I am your brother, but you dislike me cause you’re jealous of me”

“ hell what?” jealous of you?” and she let out a loud auditable sarcastic laugh, and I just nodded my head, with a silly innocent smile on my face.

“ and why the hell would I be jealous of a stupid person like you ?”

“ I don’t know maybe cause I am older, successful, I have a nice car, fancy apartment, good job, I am sociable, wanted, girls are drooling over me and…..” I kept thinking about the good things I have in my life, that I forgot myself and drifted away in a sweet deep daydream which filled me with an extremely happiness, knowing, seeing, and realizing how beautiful my life looks alike, but being my devilish sister, jerked me of this sweet ceremony with her harsh words that made my mood switch 180°angle degree in a matter of barely countable parts of seconds.

“ but you will always live being afraid, and no matter how charming and lovable your life looks alike, it’s ruined deeply inside  emotionally”

I couldn’t move my lips to come up with something I can defend myself with, I just stayed there admiring her words as they echoed over and over in my ears, trying to understand them, feel them, and sense them.

Moments later she added after she stood up, “ anyway, tomorrow I need someone to drive me to my doctor’s, I have a date at 9 am, and I need to be there on time”

“WHAT? “ I finally managed to say.

“ are you deaf? I don’t think so, you heard me. My mother is having a sleepover at her friends and she will stay there until lunch, and I have a date so you are taking me there”

Then she walked  to the stairs, when she suddenly stopped and turned around,

“ don’t worry about Erin, as you said many girls are drooling over you “ and as she was about to walk away “ and good night, silly Danno” then she disappeared, to the guests room which she considers as her actual room.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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