Tom also introduced an adult female cat who would be tords cage mate. Tord was sadly fixed so he couldn't impregnate her. They were both fixed. Tom set the fluffy cat down and she crawls to tord.
The next couple of days that went by Tom watched them on a camera together. They had both got along greatly even to the point where they played together and we're their for eachother. The only downside is that tord spoke cat language to his cat friend and Tom couldn't understand what they were saying.
He set up a mini house for the both of them. One room for eating one for playing and one for sleeping.
((Once the female cat falls asleep)) tord crawls to Tom and sways his tail.Tom soon gives the two a basket of toys while they were asleep. Tord wakes up and yawns quietly and his tail wiggles a bit. he pounces on a fake mouse and began chewing on it. his cage mate makes a :3 face currently enjoying watching tord play with his smol mouse toy.
a week later tord and his so called roommate were now best friends. Sometimes his cage mate would get picked on by other nekos. she is from a litter of nekos and kittens. they had all gotten the abilities to turn into their partial human forms. well.. that is, all but her.
**discontinued **tom x baby neko tord
FanfictionTom walks into a pet store and sees a baby neko. he's always wanted to have a cat and a son. so he thought why not buy this lovely Kitty hm ? well he didn't know that this Kitty would take up all the happiness in his life ((this story will be conti...