Chapter 1-Pilot

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Abigail: Dr.Johnson, the test is ready to complete.

Dr.Johnson:(chuckles)I've worked so hard towards this point and it's finally here (turns to Abagail) the key to teleportation is in my hands.(sighs) Well then let's get this over with.

Abagail: Yes mam.

(Dr.Johnson's thoughts)

I arrive in the testing room un-sure of what fate may lie ahead, today we're going to teleport an apple and see if it arrives in the same condition. I can't say that i'm not scared, but i can say that i'm excited. I'm completeing a journey some have died to achieve. I make it to the testing room with a smile on my face ready to begin.  


Dr.Johnson: In the words of Neil Armstong.

Abagail: One small step for man 

Dr. Johnson: One giant leap for mankind 

(Dr.Johnson's thoughts)

As we count down, we start the process to complete the test. From our calculations the apple should return in about 2-24 hours time, so i need to keep my mind off of it for a while, but what if there is something beyond this earth, something far beyond our comprehension. Far beyond the Shadows Retreating 

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