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Jiro's pov)
I was walking to the dorms with the bakusquad I was in the very back of them sero was just being himself. Denki just playing with minas hair bakugo getting very annoied by mina
And kirishima the guy I have crush I knew he didn't like me because he likes mina well at least I think he does.

??? Pov)

"Ok guys here they come remember we are after the girl with purple hair and Eijiro kirishima they are very useful" I said.

"Shiggy can I stab one of them plz" Toga said.

Shut up crazy your going to blow our cover" Dabi said to to Toga.

"Both of you be quite ok here they come Dabi now."

Kirishima pov)

I was walking behind bakubro and I turned around to see Jiro walking in the back by herself so I just walked over there to her.

"Hay whats up" I said to jiro

"Oh uhhh nothing" She says while grinning.

We spotted the bakusquad going into the dorms and I saw Jiro standing in the alley way just standing.

When I walked over to her and all of a sudden every thing turned black.

Jiro pov)

I juat wanted to stand in a area by myself so I saw a allu way and stood there.

I saw kiri walk over to me and I saw someone put a bag over his face I was about to say look out to kiri but I felt something burn on my hands and legs I looked over and saw Dabi.

All of a sudden I felt sharp pain in my other leg and all of a sudden everything turned black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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