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"I'm so gay, I can't think straight," so goes the saying;

The slogan I live by, the food I am craving.

Sexuality is not a choice, and so I pray

For the poor, straight souls who cannot love rationally.

What woman would want broad shoulders and a chiseled chest

When they can have gentle curves and soft breasts?

I am the definition of the lesbian creature,

All my features right on point.

My hair short and asymmetrical,

Nothing straight about me.

A hand in my pocket rubbing against a dangling chain when I walk

And as I talk I've got a smirk on my face.

A smirk, not a smile, and an eyebrow raised

That asks "Hey babe, wanna get together tonight?"

In which your slight lick of lips says "Alright."

The swing in my walk and casual look

Comes along well with my slight "what's up" nod.

You can catch me at the beach 

With shorts slightly above the knees,

Not those "slightly-longer-than-panties" you call "shorts".

A rainbow bracelet on my wrist, 

A shark tooth necklace around my neck, and

Magic fingers with short clean nails.

Oh straight girls, doesn't it drive you mad

The way I run my fingers through my hair, palms and all?  

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