Mystery Honeymoon

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A/N: Thanks to iancotterill56 and others who encouraged me to write 'one more'. This is a fluff piece, almost as short as my very first fic. I hope to close Totally Spies fics with this, have been focusing on art (hope you like the cover!), but may take suggestions for Big Hero 6 the series or something else.

All rights to Marathon, and all glory to God for His blessings to me. Thanks- enjoy!


"Honey..." Alex whispered loudly as she and Martin exited the plane's jet bridge and emerged into the bustling departure gate area.

"...moon!" Martin replied. "Honey..."

"...moon!" Alex said exuberantly. She took a breath, met his eyes, and nodded.

"Honeymoon!" they said in a quiet, yet excited tone.

A few older folks and another couple nearby looked at them in amusement.

They hustled through the Honolulu airport, each toting a carry-on bag. Perched at the top of an escalator, Martin looked down to the floor below in thought.

"Pretty odd word when you think about it. I'd check the Legendex, but..."

He shrugged, then gestured to his bare left arm where he previously wore the giant U-Watch for countless missions. They stepped off the escalator at the bottom and walked to a luggage carousel.

"Well, nowadays everybody has their own Legendex," Alex replied, and took her phone out of her bag. She swiped, then tapped it. "Dates back to the 5th century, when culture used moon cycles for time. A couple drank mead, which is like a honey drink, during their first moon of marriage."

She looked up to see Martin beaming at her, inches away.

"You read that like a Legendex pro!" he said proudly. He kissed her, then looked towards the suitcases emerging onto the conveyor. "And you know how much I can't get enough of your voice," he added, glancing back.

Alex chuckled, spotted her magenta suitcase, then hefted it up before Martin could react. "Mm hmm, but we need to focus if we want to get going," she said musically.

"Right!" he said with a salute, eyes on the conveyor like a hawk.

"Hm, restaurants, the beach, the rainforest hike, and..." Alex trailed off.

"And?" Martin parroted, looking to her with eyes glazed over.

"And, I've completely distracted you," Alex said, and giggled.

Martin shook his head and looked back to the suitcases, more intent than ever.

"Where are you, you stupid suitcase?!" he cried quietly in desperation.

People nearby looked to him in mild surprise. Alex dropped her head in slight embarrassment, then smiled at Martin. Her goofball had saved numerous people: friends, strangers, and sometimes the entire world. She nodded as he triumphantly claimed his suitcase.

The couple rolled their luggage along and left the airport at last.


After settling into the hotel, Martin and Alex were in swimsuits and at the beach. They had a beach blanket and canvas bag of necessities, suntan lotion applied, and stood looking towards the Pacific.

"Wow," Martin said, admiring the pristine sand and cornflower blue ocean.

Alex smiled at him, holding his hand. "Had a feeling you'd like it."

They walked towards the sea until calf-deep in water, then Martin scooped her up into his still somewhat-muscular arms. Alex let out a surprised squeal, and wrapped her arms around him.

Mystery HoneymoonWhere stories live. Discover now