Chapter one

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"Okay. You ready, Nyree?" I asked my best friend.

"Yep. You should start calling me Suri now though." She answered. 

"Sure thing but I need a new name too. I don't want to be Em anymore." I thought hard. 

"How about Yurie? It means Grace of the lilies." She suggested. Yurie. I liked the way it sounded. It sounded beautiful. Just like I wanted to be.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed. I finished the large chalk circle I had drawn in my garage. We both sat down inside. I pulled out an old worn out book. I turned to the last page. Me and Suri closed our eyes. I muttered the foreign words. The Latin sounded stranger than normal. The air around me and my friend sifted softly. It gently tugged on my long blonde hair. 

I opened my eyes and the expression on Suri's face told me the spell had worked. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. "We're here. We're really here!" I said not believing that the magic was real. 

"We're in the Naruto world. Dear god, we did it!" Suri bounced up and started jumping up and down. "What do we do first?"

"Find a mirror of course. I wanna see how I look as an anime person. Which by the way, you look totally awesome." I complimented Suri. We had changed before we teleported or whatever the hell we've just managed. We had hoped to fit in as travelers from a foreign land. 

"I don't think we're too far from the leaf village. It's probably just down this path." 

"Right." Suri had an amazing sense of direction so I just followed her. As we walked I grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it into my line of vision. 

"HOLY SHIT!" I squealed. My hair was a golden blonde waterfall down to my thighs. "You know what, Suri?" I said when I was calm once more.

"What?" She asked calmly.

"I feel beautiful."

"Me too." And we both grinned but of course you couldn't see my happiness through the bandages I wore that covered my whole body.

Me and Nyree were nothing in the world we had left behind. Nyree had been an orphan her whole life. Both her parents had disappeared one night and it wasn't until a year later their mangled remains were found. Nyree often refused to talk about it and I understood. My parents hadn't slipped off peacefully either. It was a horrific car crash when I was six. I still have the burn scars marring my body which is why I wore all the bandages. Me and Nyree had to share a room at the orphanage and I guess that's how we became friends. Ours was a sad past but now we could have a new beginning. One we deserved.

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