One More Chance

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This is an extended epilogue (alternate ending) for "EVE". Please read that book first, otherwise this might not make any sense to you.

The blonde haired woman pushed her trolley through the supermarket aisle, her eyes flickering through the shelves, her blue orbs darting up and down as she looked for the last thing on her shopping list.

"Oh for goodness sake..." She muttered under her breath as she tilted her head back to look up at the top shelf where the last can of bolognese sauce sat, looking sad and lonely and very much out of reach.

She spun around on her feet, glancing around to see if she could find something to help her reach the can, but coming up empty she just sighed and shot a deflated glare in the direction of the can.

Every time she reached for it, her fingers would just be shy and at one point she just pushed it further back on the shelf, making it now impossible for her to reach it. Just when she was about to give up and walk away, after trying several times to jump and grab it, she noticed a familiar figure rounding the corner of the aisle, heading in her direction.

"Jake!" She called out with a smile when her husband's eyes landed on her. Raising her hand she beckoned for him to come quickly, "Come and help me get this." She ordered, ignoring his smirk.

"Why, I'm sure you can get it yourself if you jump?" His voice was teasing as he smiled down at his pretty wife, his teeth glinting pearly white.

His wife however, was hardly amused and crossing her arms, she glared up at him.

"Do you or do you not, want spaghetti bolognese for dinner?" Her voice lacked any amusement and at her words Jacobs smile quickly faded and he jumped up and grabbed the can without further comments.

He handed the red can to his wife, who offered him a tight lipped smile, but he could see that she was trying to fight her lips from turning up.

"Thank you-" she said, dropping the can into her trolley, but as soon as she looked around, her eyes went wide.

"Wait, where are the kids?" Jacob rolled his eyes at the worry in his wife's voice. He knew that where the kids were concerned, Alexia always became very overprotective.

He sighs, reaching over to grab the handle of the trolley, his hands going either side of his wife, trapping her. He started to push the trolley, forcing Alexia to walk as well.

"The kids are fine, they are playing inside the kids play section." He explained, but is quick to notice that his wife remained tense.

"You just left them by themselves?" She asks in shock, dodging out from underneath his arms, beelining straight in the direction of the play area.

Jacob just rolled his eyes, but followed after her.

It only took Alexia a second before she noticed her daughter.

"Carla!" She called out and the little brunette girl turned around, her eyes searching the area until she found her mother.

"Mum!" she ran over, her little pig tails flopping up and down as she jumped into her mother's arms.

"Come and look what I made-'' Carla struggled out of her mother's arms, trying her hardest to pull her mother in the direction of the play dough. She was jumping up and down in joy, desperate to show her mother the rolled up lumps of coloured play dough that she had fashioned into figures of her family.

But Alexia was hardly paying attention to her seven year old daughter, her smile forced as she scanned the play area looking for another little girl. The section was full of little kids, playing around, screaming and shouting as children do and a sudden prick of fear shot through her when she failed to find her youngest daughter.

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