Chapter one, Discovery

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A boy, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, stood up from the chair he was sitting on, and turned to look at her. He reached out a hand and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the strange light. He had shaggy dark brown hair and very green eyes, a cuff clung onto his upper ear. They neared the light and jumped into it. Together they fell, into darkness. Landed on a thin layer of ice. She staggered upwards to see her friends. Alexandra, Lyra and Zeak. The ice started to crack, then it shattered like a mirror and . . .

Amber jolted upright, hitting her head on the ghostly white ceiling. Her honey brown hair was tangled and brushed in her blue-grey eyes.

“Argh!” she moaned, in sleepiness. Amber sat atop her bunk bed in her bright pink pyjamas. Looking at her kitten Jasper.

“Mew! Mew.” he squeaked and sat himself at her feet. “Go-od mor-ning” she said to him mid yawn.

“Amber!” yelled a voice down the stairs.

“Five more minutes!” Amber yelled out,  in the loudest voice she could. She stretched, hitting her hands on the sandstone roof. 

“Hmph. Stupid bunk bed.” she growled, annoyed. Jasper let out an agreeable meow, as his owner slumped back down on her pillow.“I wonder what that dream was about. It was really weird.” Amber said scratching her cat on the back of his neck. “Come on, up now. You need to start getting up earlier.” protested Amber's mother from down the hallway.

“But it's a Sunday!” Amber replied, her voice still waking up. Her mother somehow found her way inside Amber's mess of a room, and reached for the purple curtain, that draped down over the glassy window. She pulled it back from the wooden frame, the blinding light filled the room dancing over her and her  bed. The rays dashed into the dream catcher, creating a wicked colour spectrum all over the sandstone walls.

Xia, Amber's brilliant mother, looked a lot like her 15 year old daughter, but much older. Her hair was dyed strawberry blonde. Well, Amber thought it was. She had the same blue grey eyes and caring mother. Xia was a fashion designer of a very popular company and Amber had picked up her mothers talent for design she would work from home but sometimes need to go to conferences  and fashion shows, Amber would usually come to the fashion shows as a helper but she thought that the conferences where quite boring.

"Okay, I'm heading off, get out of bed, have a shower eat some breakfast and be in bed reading by the time i get back. Okay?"

"Okay." Amber jumped down the ladder and kissed her mum on the cheek, "Bye, love you".

"Okay, stay safe. I will be back soon, love you too."

Amber followed her mum to the door and watched her white great wall back out of the drive way. she turned around to open the front door, Amber loved her houses entrance the mahogany door stood high above her on golden hinges vine engravings climbed the surface and curled at the top. As Amber was about to step inside the door slammed in her face and she heard a 'click' as it locked it's self into place. "argh! it's not my morning" Amber yelled to the door she reached for the nob and attempted to turn it, it wouldn't budge she pulled her noty hair away from her face and tied it back into a messy bun. "ok door, your starting to get on my nerves" she kicked the door and it stood it's ground. Amber rested her head on the door “open,open,open,open OPEN!” and 'click' it opened and she stumbled into the house.

"stupid door" Amber mumbled as she closed it. "ok, uhh shower!" Amber walked down the narrow entrance way, climbed the spiral stair case, walked into her room and left into the en suite. Because Xia earned a lot at work she owned a giant house that Amber had lived in all her life and would play hide and seek in with Alex and be searching for each other for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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