Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack

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Lightning danced across the sky, illuminating West's face painted with fear. The rain beat down like needles on his stark skin as he scrambled to find the nearest payphone. His heart raced pounding out of his chest. His feet skid across a puddle, slipping as he almost missed the phone box by a mere few inches. Jumping into the box he quickly shut the door. He stand shaking as he looked at his trembling blood-soaked hands. He took a few deep breaths as he patted himself down, barely conjuring up enough change to slide into the coin slot. He crunched in the numbers "9-1-1" as he brought the silver phone up to his face gripping onto it as if it was his only lifeline. He listened to the phone softly ring in his ear as he slid down the glass wall waiting for a response. 

"Come on... pick up! Pick up dammit!" His voice was hoarse and shaking.  And with that, he heard a click 

"911. What's your emergency?" A woman with a kind voice cooed.

"I-there he... at my house" He paused. "Blood, it was a fucking blood bath" West couldn't help but break down into tears.

"Excuse me, sir? I'm going to need you to speak C-L-E-A-R-L-Y. " She was beginning to sound more than just annoyed.

"I- my hook- My friend just got his fucking brains bashed in. There was blood everywhere- all over the place- he-he I need help. He's fucking dead." West seethed into the phone as he brought his legs closer up to his chest. His eyes darted around the empty streets looking, searching.

"Where did this happen, sir? Please give me an address." She spoke calmly and concisely.

"783 Eastfield drive... but, I-i'm at a payphone. Please help him... ple-" West began to choke again. 

"Police are on their way, sir." And with that West could hear a click.

"Hello? Hello!" He called out into the phone. "Did this bitch really just hang up?" He scoffed. 

Dragging himself up and off the mud-stained floor be began to wobble out of the booth. his shaky hand gripped the side of the glass booth, his eyes darted left and right as he scanned his nearby surroundings hoping to lay his eyes upon a liquor store. He breathed a quick sigh of relief as he pinpointed the faint yellowish glow of a familiar store just around the bend. Quickly, he threw himself out of the dirty booth, stumbling to the ground as he scrambled to get up on his feet, darting as quickly as he could towards the corner. His breath hitched as he turned the corner, scared out his dick when he saw an unfamiliar silhouette. It was only till he fully turned he could realize that silhouette was just a lamp post. 

"Ah, shit man! Scared the ever-living fuck out of me." He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he pushed the door to the store open. The smell of fresh booze hit him like a freight train. He stumbled into the store. He gave a quick look around. The cashier was having a nice chat with a guy with wine red hair. Their conversation stopped abruptly as West staggered his way the counter picking up a thing of cheap beer while he was at it. The man with red hair locked his eyes on him. 

"God DAMN! You are wetter than a porn star!" He wore a shit-eating grin.

"Alucard! You dumbass whore! Can't you see that he is in distress... or is your last brain cell to slow to notice that?" The cashier flicked the red head's forehead.  

"A-ha..." West gave a slight smile as he drug himself up to the counter, slamming the green bottle onto the counter. 

"... dawg you good..." Ben, the cashier gave him a look.

"You look like you've really been through it... girlfriend break up with you?" Alucard inquired.

With that West just shot him a look as he pulled out his ID and some one-dollar bills.  

"Will this be it?"  Ben put on a friendly smile.

West just sighed in response as he clenched his eyes shut taking the bottle in his bloody hands. He gave the two men a nod goodbye as he staggered out of the store stumbling as he reached the exit.

"Should we call the police?" Alucard turned to his 'friend'. That prompted Ben to slap him upside the head. 

Sitting down, West popped open the bottle and downed the whole thing causing him to lurch forward and spew all over the sidewalk. 

Summer of '74 (Kiwi x Rockstar Cookie but it takes place in 1974)Where stories live. Discover now