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I watched, expressionless, as the blood splattered on the floor. The ruby red liquid flowed softly from my wrist to the cold tiles of the bathroom, standing out against the black. Silent tears streamed down my face at the thought of what had become. Why me?! Ha, it was a question I asked myself a lot. Did I really deserve this?! Did I deserve my 2 siblings to be dead within 2 years, did I deserve to be abused since I was 4, did I deserve to be....

My thoughts were interrupted by a call of my name downstairs. I quickly grabbed a towel to try and stop the blood flow, and made a makeshift bandage out of paper towels. Classy, I know. I ran downstairs, which wasn't easy considering how weak I was. My father was waiting for me in his study. His hands were tapping on his black, mahogany desk.

Tap tap tap

"H-hello, father." I whispered. My heart was pounding like it always did when I was around him.

Tap tap tap

"Is.... Is there anything you need to me do, father?" still he stayed silent.

Tap tap -

He rose from his chair, and strode towards me, his shiny black boots thumping on the wooden floorboards. I swallowed, almost preparing myself for what was about to come.


My father's beatings were always hard and ruthless; my weak frame couldn't really take it. In seconds I was on the ground, my chest tightening and my breathing increasing. Shit!
"A malfoy. Does. Not. Stutter." he snarled.


Pain erupted in my chest - and I knew that I'd get an ugly bruise to add to ugly me.
"A Malfoy. Looks. His superiors. In. The. Eyes."
I knew a cut had opened - I should have used a proper bandage.
"Tears?" he scoffed. Before his cane came plummeting down on the back of my neck, and I cried out in pain. He grabbed me by my shirt and brought me up to his face, as I squirmed in his grip.
"Why can't you be more like your brother?" he growled.

He then threw me back on the floor and yelled the words I'd been hearing since I was 7.


Five hours later I was sobbing in my room. My arms were soaked with blood after my cutting session. It was my coping method. The pain provided a relief and allowed me to focus of the pain instead of the problems. Or tomorrow. They'd told me at dinner.

1 hour earlier

I was still trembling in my midnight black suit after today's beating. I saw my plate was half the size of my parents, although I wasn't complaining. I knew that I needed to lose weight - they were helping me and they didn't even know it. I ate some peas, carrots, and potato - leaving the chicken alone. I couldn't stand to eat meat after my father would force me to kill the chickens.

Halfway through, my mother spoke up.
"Draco, your father and I have a special announcement."
Where they putting me up for adoption? Merlin, I hope so.
"The dark Lord is coming over tomorrow."
I stared, wide eyed. What the fuck?!
"What... What does this have to do with me?" I whispered - but I already knew the answer.
"Honestly, boy, could you be more incompetent?" my father spat.
"Lucius.... Draco, you're going to follow the family legacy and become a Death-eater. It's a great honour."
I was speechless. They wanted me to become one of them?! They wanted me to be branding by that monster?!
"You will receive the dark mark and your task will be too kill Albus Dumbledore."
No.... They not only wanted me to be one of them, they wanted me to kill the one person who actually seemed care about his wellbeing.
"Please excuse me for a moment...." I whispered, surprised I could find my voice at all. And I ran to my room, and began slicing my arms.

Present time

How could they ask this of me?! How could they ask a 16 year old boy to kill their headmaster in cold blood?! It was 8pm, and I grabbed the Weasley's extendable ears.
"Lucius, are you sure we should let Draco become a Death-eater? I mean, he's just a boy....."
"It's an honour to serve the dark Lord. Besides, if he completes the task, all our mistakes will be forgiven."
"Yes.... I know. But - if he doesn't...."
"We'll get Severus to help. He needs to prove his loyalty to him as well. And he wouldn't want anything to happen to Draco."

I pulled the ears back up and leant my head against the wall. I thought of all the abuse. Did I deserve this? And tomorrow I'd be made to become a Death-eater. I couldn't do that. Especially not to Harry. It had been nearly 2 years, but I still cared about him - maybe even still had feelings for him - I couldn't betray him like that. An hour later I realised what I had to do.


I packed my Hogwarts trunk - all my school supplies plus extra food, muggle money, wizard money, and other items which I'd need. I dressed in a black hoodie, black jeans, and black trainers and waited. At 2am the next morning, I snuck into my parent's room and borrowed my father's wand. Returning to my room, I shrunk my trunk and returned the wand. I placed the trunk in my pocket and pulled on a black waterproof coat. I then opened the window, and flew into the night on my nimbus 2001. I was now officially a run-away.

Hi, I know that after 5th year Lucius was sent to Azkaban, but for the storyline to work I needed him out. Also I was already half way through the chapter when I realised and I couldn't be bothered to change it. Just pretend that he evaded capture and there's no evidence that he was involved. But he was suspended from work due to an investigation.

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