Introduction *please read before starting*

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When the definition of a perfect life, involves your family living by rules that the society deems unacceptable—to say that Evie Valentina Hernandez had an upbringing like no other, is an understatement

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When the definition of a perfect life, involves your family living by rules that the society deems unacceptable—to say that Evie Valentina Hernandez had an upbringing like no other, is an understatement.

The Hernandez family are known for one saying, respect few—fear none. They live by that. In fact if you asked any of the Hernandez family, they would all tell you, the only ones they truly respected where blood. And if you didn't have Hernandez blood flowing through your veins, then the chance of getting then to respect you was slim.

Evie Hernandez would like the world to think, she was bullet proof. Just like her father, and three brothers. All of which could strike fear in a man's eyes by a look. Hell, even her mother could. But when Evie turns fourteen, her chances of being that bullet proof Hernandez, cracks.

It's Spider Hernandez, her father that notices her withdrawing, and it's also him, that discovers her trying to end her life. Spider knows the signs of depression, having lost one of his sisters to suicide when he was young.

He saves her, from taking her own life. Seeing his daughter nearly die, strikes a fear in the man known as Spider. He knows his daughter can't take the pressure that comes with this family. So he shields her from it. Doing everything in his power, to make sure, she keeps breathing.

Blood is everything to Spider Hernandez, so he replies on his sons heavily to carry the families name and reputation. But he makes sure that Evie, never feels the pressure of the family.

Spider is very protective of his only daughter. He'd kill for any member of his family, but he would in a heart beat give up his life for his daughter, to save her.

Evie's brothers are just as protective of her, as her father. Cayson Hernandez, her oldest brother is thirty and has their fathers need to communicate through yelling. Paxton twenty nine, got his criminal record started at the age of nine and has his father's trait of communicating through his fists. Tero, twenty eight has their father's thinking patterns—cold and calculating are two words to describe him.

Evie is the youngest and there is a thirteen-year age gap between her and Cayson, her eldest brother. Spider always says that Evie being born, balanced out the family. For she was sweet enough to make up for all the bad that was their family.

Every Tuesday evening the whole family sits down for a family dinner. It was expected if you had plans, to cancel them.But they all knew better then to make plans.

Evie and her dad were sharing a conversation about her grades in high school. While the boys were pressured to leave school and join the family empire, Evie was encouraged to further her education. Spider wanted his daughter sheltered from the life.

What the family didn't know, was blocks away in a high towering abandoned building was a sniper. They barely heard the glass shatter of their family mansion bay window, but Evie watched as her father's body slumped to the take, his blood spraying over her face.

It happens so quickly, Evie is barely able to blink, before his mother's head also drops to the table.

It Cayson that forces Evie to the ground.

It Tero shouting for security.

It's Paxton that goes to his father, checking his pulse and that was the moment the Hernandez family shattered, when Paxton couldn't find a pulse.

In some way's it was a clean death for a man that never gave anyone a peaceful end.

Evie is seventeen, when her father and mother are executed due to the erupting gangland war.

It's at the duel private funeral, that the state comes and takes custody of Evie, being seventeen. Her brothers having lengthy criminal records, that some common judge determines she is better off with strangers.

Cayson, Tero and Paxton, watch as she is dragged from them and she disappeared into the system.

And while Grace, the foster mother, is lovely— Evie just wants her brothers. But due to her families position in the underworld, her records are lock and no one knows who she really is. Not to mention the chief of police, makes it clear to her, that is she mentions who she really is or reaches out to her brothers, he will ensure they are arrested for crimes they have committed, in the name of vengeance for their parents death.

So Evie is forced to stay quiet, fighting her depression in the care of a woman, named Grace, who honestly wants to help Evie. But within weeks of Evie being placed something unexpected happens.

Grace's brother, Easton, comes to stay with them—and that's when things get complicated for Evie.

Easton Thanatos is the new appointed International President of the Bastards of Satan MC. He's the type of man, you don't look twice at. Evie's down fall, she looks twice and Easton hasn't taken his eyes off her since they met.

Could the man that breathes life back into Evie, be the reason she loses her life altogether? Could Evie be the woman that brings down a MC that has survived decades?

She's merely seventeen, and while it's not illegal. The feelings that blood Evie, when Easton is near, should be.


Easton has a secret... one that could destroy Evie.

We are all allowed secrets. But what happens when those secrets we carry, can destroy someone you love? Do you suffer with the guilt and carry those secrets or do you cause the heart of the one you love to bleed? So you don't have a guilty conscious.

We can't undo the past. As much as we want to. We have to live with our decisions, the consequences that follow and the PTSD those decisions can leave on our fragile minds.

Welcome to the story of Evie and Easton...

Please be aware before starting this story, it contains confronting themes. Strong Sex. Drug Use. Self Harm and strong language. If any of these themes aren't for you, please do not start this book.

But I can also say, this is one of the most powerful books I have had the pleasure of writing.

Expect twists, turns and a romance story that is told in layers of black, white and grey.

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