Prologue One Shot

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"Why did you choose those pictures to represent your songs?" The reporter asked.

"Because my album this time is so personal to me, I felt like I couldn't have someone else take the pictures for me, I chose the pictures that meant the most to me through out my life. Rather than describing them as the most beautiful moments of my life, I would describe them as the moments I was able to let go." Hina smiled as she had a nonchalant face.

"All your albums up until now have been pretty personal, especially this one. Why do you chose to write songs like this rather than following the trends as someone would call it?" The reporter once again asked.

"To me music is the way of expressing oneself, if I followed the "trend" as you called it, I would be hiding my true feelings behind music, when I would rather express it as raw as possible." Hina said and looked into the camera.

The scene changed to Hina's album going up the charts. "Hina once again made history with her newest album "times up", fans show support for the album by doing various charities in the name of Hina. Multiple articles popped on screen showing the album being covered by different news article companies.

"Hina is someone who has a very pure relationship with music. She makes music to express herself, to feel the music, she never gives in to greed and takes music for granted. When the company suggested she makes a solo album she wasn't sure, because she didn't want to make music just to gain money." Sooyoung said as a few tears rolled down.

"Hina is a role model to me in a lot fo different ways, I respect her as an artist, as well as a friend. She honestly inspired me to keep going, no matter how hard it got sometimes. When we debuted, we immediately shot to fame and it was hard, so hard that none of us could keep up with the demand, however, Hina was like a ray of sunshine to us, she inspired us to keep going." Eungi said as she smiled sadly.

A video played of Miracle's debut stage, the seven girls shining brightly on stage, with big smiles on their faces. Mia, the leader of Miracle started of the greeting with a loud and passionate voice, the rest soon followed. "Hello, we are Miracle."

"When the news of Hina's accident made it to us, we went into shock, at first when we got the call, we thought it was a small accident, we were so worried. But later into the call we realised how serious it actually was. We couldn't function properly, we had to cancel a bunch of concerts, had to lay a lot of projects away, because we couldn't work without Hina." Mia voice rang as the scene of Hina's accident was shown on the screen.

"When we got to the hospital it was like cold water was poured onto us, we couldn't understand the severity of the accident. At first we thought it wasn't so bad, but the moment I saw her body" Iseul's voice fades out as her sobs make up most of the sound. Iseul takes a deep breath and continues. 

"Her body, it was full of injuries, there was stitches all over, and it was almost hard to recognise her. Her heartbeat was so slow, the doctors were sure she would pass away in a few days. But she held on. Thank god she held on." Iseul finished as a few more sobs left her mouth.

An old video started playing on the screen, it was from Miracle's trainee days. Hina was standing in front of the mirror practising. "We always take training seriously, right girls?" Mia asked and the girls turned around and laughed before answering "Yes!"

"Hina always tried showing the real her in front of her fans, but because the company had an image for her, she couldn't go against it. She would always put the fans before anything else, to the point where she almost lost herself. At one point I called her into a meeting with a few other staff, because we were getting worried for her mental health. We asked her who she thought she was, what her identity was. Her answer to our question was that she didn't know, she had lost her identity a long time ago." Miracle's manager said as the screen showed Hina's promotion pictures.

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