let's not forget

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Let's not forget how powerful God is!
How strong He is!
How mighty He is!
How great He is!

Let's not forget that He is love!
How endless it is!
How unconditional it is!
How true it is!

Let's not forget that we are part of His creations and Christ died for our sins!
We are dependent on Him so,
We must praise Him!
We must thank Him!
We must serve Him!

Let's not forget to be like Him!
To love others as we love Him,
To serve others before ourselves,
To forgive others in multiple times.

Who is He that we're talking about here?  Ellen G. White in her book Story of Jesus, summarized it this way:

Adam will tell you, ‘It is the Seed of the woman that shall bruise the serpent’s head.’ SJ 86.10

“Ask Abraham. He will tell you, ‘It is Melchisedek, King of Salem, King of Peace.’ SJ 87.1

“Jacob will tell you, ‘He is Shiloh of the tribe of Judah.’ SJ 87.2

“Isaiah will tell you, ‘Immanuel, Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.’ SJ 87.3

“Jeremiah will tell you, ‘The Branch of David, the Lord, our righteousness.’ SJ 87.4

“Daniel will tell you, ‘He is the Messiah.’ SJ 87.5

“Hosea will tell you, ‘He is the Lord God of Hosts, the Lord is His memorial.’ SJ 87.6

“John the Baptist will tell you, ‘He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.’ SJ 87.7

“The great Jehovah has proclaimed from His throne, ‘This is My beloved Son.’ SJ 87.8

His disciples, declare, ‘This is Jesus, the Messiah, the Prince of Life, the Redeemer.’ SJ 87.9

And even the prince of the power of darkness acknowledges Him, saying, ‘I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God!’ SJ 87.10

All glory belongs to Him!

In this Verses and Rhymes, let's share the good news to everyone! That life has its meaning,purpose,and hope!
Thank you💟


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